,1' 1 . Grab: m ' s !Tonsprtal Parlor on the egrner 1 I 1 77"""...."7 Prompt 1 service Cpurfeous treat ment First4ss work , ! I ' 1 A complete line-of ;1 , , Smoker4' .applies ' i The First Ntion.l Bank State College, Pa. 1 , 1 ' 3, , ' inierest on timr deposits, payable semi-nitually 1 1 Accoupts sollclted .., HOsterman aq(l Min Aad B . RESTAURANT a, coofect-onon Soda w, rij Catering n specialty Ci-w , ,_‘.!...st?(lcft: jerAklc:. • 712(1 : 01)t - W.l L POST CA OS CO4EGE JqWELRY I aon't ial; 1 malice signs , L i ttterng of trunks ank suit cases m> spe t Poster snot% Atoi titsplat card, A. WONIEg4 State C2llege CHAS M ROW COLLAR 1.542 for 25c Cluctt. Pcrapod y & Co.. MAC ARROW ,CUFFS 35 cents a pair ' - ----- '-. ir 7------ 1 7 ---- this class of little fellows. In relat- ing the trialOf Mickey and his two little pals charged with enteri g a box car,, he has shown! us ' the ,tact l and the uniTie answers;,of these tle fellows when ,cross-etam Their staunch refusals ftc "sn on each other show theii[ loYalt to each other. Judge , Lindsey , has used the methods oi the "scluare deal" and has accomplished miich. more than he could have done by using the prison cells for every little offense. He has placed each little fellow on his honor l ar,,,d in return has received the confidence F of all of em. Every Denver boy knows he til as,a friend ''n the judge and that s long as he is straightforward and honest the judge will nok "Crow him down." s Judge, Lihdsey believe i s the fu ture shf&ylOtl the State lieS - in the boys and girls of tot. That is why he is so entliusiasti ally enter- le KERY 1 i ing npon his work in saving the lit tle street' gamin from ' his environ ment and giving him a chance. ' ' Oysters Dean Crane in Mining Institute Work. ' ' . . irl season 1111'.: sT.kTE COI.LEGIAS: The following circular ,has been issued by C it. Fav of , Greensburg, , Pennsylvan, Secretary of the Min ing Institute held in various parts of the state lof PennsyNania The Min 4 departMent of the State Y. M C A has jOst completed arrangements Ni 3 4lth bf. W.' R. Crane, Dean of the Schbol of I Mines and Metallurgy of the Pennsylvania State College, that should .mean much to the members of the , Y M.C. A. Min ing Institute thiougbout the State..c_ The workr at first will $e experi mental a if found = sat a ory will 'be eaten ed by the Y. M. C. A. Mining lln - titute Movenli nt through outl both !the bituminou 'ari anthra cite regions. The plan wi lie start ed at once in the bitum note field. Dr. Crane will, also delir special lectures on Mining before \. M. C. A. Mining Institutes at ten of the Pm; h SEVEN The public be pleased I` lathe policy of the • Empire Laundry and The jublic is pleased Paul Work, 'lO agents ,W H. Sill 'll Lea% e lour addre*s at, PEARICE—pROTHER'S ~1 t o . the "Noteova,v and deal‘6.l,n Eastma n Srn Paso hgftt for ZokTnl4 acithophones E i twi SwiestrActelbWiLec„6Tas 212. Last cok\ tip _Avenue, i Stai - ;t eaktga MINIMEIMMEN Pk Hotel illiamsport, Pa. , Headquarters for all —State' 1 teams l -- % Located opposite the P.IR R. stationC....yree bus to'P & R, R R. station. Rates i 52.50 per da)! and up ward , 1 D KAVANAUGH, Mana:er IJ. . MARIKLE J - All .Kinds dt,cholce 'Alleat • ' Fish in season , I i 138 College) i iivenne h 9 11 , th phones 1. s's : :POOL ' , ZOOllil ® : 1 and \ BARBER SHOP 11123 Allen Street W. C. Kli e i l doctor of - men's,women's. Adren's shoes ' Allen street t: r ze thoet who acivet -1 he State Collegian; P,atro I. ti f i e itl