I PAGE SIX Sopiromotes Win by Score of Two to One in the Ne w Scrap. ° I T h e inauguration of the push bald' scrap whichLwas adopted this year • for the first time as an underclass contest to fill he gap made by the abolition of the picture scrap,i iarked, by many injuries, however, wete not severe little consequence. 'The did not proNte to be as succes ful as was expected and at the most, furnished but I scant amuse ment meint or either participants or spec tators. La i urels and Bond ns went to the, sophomores by th narrow margin of two to one, anc the i af fair was hOtly contested by both classes.. , • I In the first period 1912 succeeded in pushing the ball intothe freshman territry and managed to hol t it there ritil the required ten min tes had aped. On the exchang of goals in i u the second part, the efforts of th sophomores were were again re ward d by a point gained in similar wa , making the Score' 2-0. The fir two periods were merely push ing matches as the ball was kept on th ground throughout, the fighting at the center appearing to be an ex -1 act reproductiorriof the 'cider , scrap. The third period broUght the 'only' tinge of real excitement to the match, when the freshmen managed to get the ball up into the air, and aided by a' strong wind secured =a score. The ball was 'brought' back to the centre, and after a few more minutes scrapping, the match was' declared to be over, with the ball in the sophomore territory, the final score being 1912, 2; , 1913, 1. wnich,' r and O. The scrap itself showed many de ,fects 7hich will have Ito be greatly ; , rgmeded before it can be attempted - . 4gain. Primarily the ball was on the ground two-thirds! of the time, when the rules exprestly direct that it should be kept in the air, and this i ' • eUSH BALL WW== I I b c i, dri, J' n, $ I I inl k n,! lit 01l I -N c\ k 11 Ii 1 ~ 1 I Niori , 802 1 - 1 ,[ 1 1 , VI isa.bl i , I: , ' 1 1a Capft , lsl l 1b.A...1116,11.10 ,r t t 11 4 a 4, 1J 1 , I'd EFoN7E , :u , FL i, o at 'bici ill ,i :II led 1 :131;110roduee, inSot of r II - I 11 1 1 li l i, r,- .pugh-tpuSe 'th .n a -1 p , , i ,:.pTe' matc. 4 It I also. 1 1 i 1 1, un ik ,11' th t pustba i 11 1 i ! o , ottli a class , oiite t, f Partpi ii Oateci in yth t, a— 1, 04sies, as v the li arg , ! rt iLL: I I keytii. scrap ppea uti tOlo)Fe Ir . ar.td hsope, hat' ~ 'l , t9 . tlw 1• 1 pfrticia t. ti l on. d r ,:k ` its re 'isionl d'il, by jprilinentilicol lirf ilaprieasi iLluite ev— f I'm ti.'se,l, the 1 rule ( will' '4pr o I,,,ife....6!next i ea r l ing t j i e a: .is j that ; arse i i 7..}d' sn, '11;a: fl, nine ''La il.s.-. , I , ll abbtiO f fteii ! 'men and i ii _, IR •t' , t , ;, - avergl g. a l ), spe ifiedi Ip,lit '•1 I. i ,,, i. i trdr iri feature to ant ordin int ' , ..1 , scific teems too; can evcr it is - entire 1,0 li numbers to ,th dangero Many have lil lege rr dent t be lari dnie st team ing each w .; CIE 1 I , g 1 i ye4 t r the,. 11: ehnsy -d 1 elnj ! ar r ,ctl ith'ln 4 I I hefiand tti. i l il Ica 5 1 4)fr to re', aid" 1 s ',for .s.l I I rr 1 I L I. metty I & co:2 P. ,elleiontit 11 , 1 i i : ' I' 1. os /pus acv just gar. nex IMI i mm usiver 1 , , d for in 4,1 co's which is or is I fine Blimine'S i'' /1-iFaR , GRI' II 1 FINE I TAILOR (1 4 PR, RERA/RiNci_ i 1 1 4'4 A Ni 1 , t e a more interestin i that would' be vas ly any of the regul r legs that take p*el paver classeS at thelpr . cidentcrap, and flag 1 , ruslies and it iseer i ns I; rry the compS ition rnl l the - under: ass rile I. ossible. , There are, i y, excellent hintA ia • balk may be playedl' . I 1 • 1 ntage, andl it rem I:, \hat action will be a improving the . Is r: all. ' ; ( , 1 , 'New Fratenit7l3l,4n. ' !TI e foll6wipg , men , itave been to•alcen into t e various fraternities to date: I , 1 t fhi a-rn , a bolta -C. ii. ',Martin'l2, '' 1 ' t ssiifio lera l i; and different , ; cheduled between .sent time. vl Icra , are I. ad ipble for ondr as mucn however, to 1 how the best 9 be seen ken in re :p before