A , . , Th : 'Per : , , ED Estatblish d ,and maintained b: FIVE GREAT SCHOIRS • Agriculture, Enginee ing, and Physical Education f First semester begins middi catalogue, bulletins announ• e.... - ---•-• - I' - - U -.- 1 t Some • ctive Alumni. The Penn S ate Aluumni residi' in BOsion held their Autumn mec ing at Louis 'l'avern, Oct. 9. Son and speeches were in order. limo those who attended were : B Butler, R. L. Kreidler, I. C. Mini G. E. Webster, i'.l. H. Yarnall, ' .1. C. Clendenin,,J. M. Nelson, '# R. Mathias, '95; S. H. Brown, '6 C. H. Hilc '92;: C. M. Green, `.., W. B. Jackson, W. H. Walker, '' and D. C.lJackOn, '85., The p ject of 1 a st,udent club hquse with great favor and several su stantial con ribution,6 were pledg- At the endome Hotel, Schen. tady, Ne York. the Alu gathered f r a anquet on Oct. 12. The follows g w re present : ,Itil.tl 1 Barlow; W. L, l ,clay, It. R. Ha ,`' W. E. 'Haft - bean, J. F: Lessig, . Mulhanpt, J. k. Stoughton, '0 ; G.,'D. Barbey, t. H. Burns, M. . , Gerhard, 13: S.! Gramley,lJ H. M - Coy, R. B. Me.ckley, F.C. Woo.- ,side, '08; C. Ji.' Adams, W. A. F , I lon, 'R. S. Fr dy, W. L., Hers , W. E. Ruder,. C. l S.,Shoemaker, ' E. K. Stapler, LR. Seidell, C. . Walker, 07; 1.4,. ,F. Adams, J. ( . Gotwals,' F. 'Hershey,' a Jacobs, '06;11R., E. Cooper, H. 'Plank, 'O5; ' P. l 0. Noble, J. Trifle, 'O4; E. H. Beckert, 'O3; 'E. Isenberg," P.' E. Smith, 'O2; to . H. Plank, '00; G. A. Elder, 4 , li ; A. , D. Carrier, '99; and C. Markham, ex-'ll. Speeches , we e made Iby President Sparks, sy Carrier Gotwals, and Adams, a d MME .1 4 i, i ns want ,: St. IN ER E SPARXS, phd.,D., 14: D. l , PR the joi t action of the United States Gov Pennsylyanie . ffer mg tv{enty-eight courseS i of four years e- Mtnes and Metallurgy, — , Courses ii 'r wome; ... TUiTiON, FREE t 6 both s - of Sept mber and .second,smester the fi Dements, etc., address ' i \ The R; I , 1 - T T— -r- --,- -- --- -,-; -- - also by Mr. G. E., Mcnrc+, form erly instructs 4 in lithe college. The various olle&t- - e sung and 'at 12:31 the losed I with Alma Mater .ge'yell New Y 1 ,11 , . , 1 the dinner' of the' Penn State Alu ni held at IThe 0:arlos in New Yorcity p Friday. , Oct 15, the foil wing en 1 att'endo i I J. G. Whi e ,,' 82; 1 ilbertlA.., Beaver, H. B. cI mill r9O: o l eorge H. Linsz, 1 exl-' 2, Geore C. ;Clatk, Charles M. H. 'Atherton, 1 92; Thomas R. Cummins, '95; B. F. Fishyr, '96; A. S. McAllister' ,Keisei' l J, H. M. Andrews, '9B; ',man P Findley, J. V. Neubest, '99; A M. Pearce, '00; H 4. Robbins,lC.' H. Bassler, '01; F. 1 S;laffeti, F . rank S. Mona ham H. C. Neel, ' 1 03; :John F. ICptt- Li , camp,' lg. Gray,, '04,; J, J. Nfor gall. P. M. ainey, R. Pl. Barnett, '05;1C. 1 M. eefer, ex 'O5; J. C. Chrilsman, .o'. W'i Cronker,, T. F FoltZ; E. Pl Price.. Oi C, Hays, 'O6; iF. Lind muth, W. C. Phwick, 1..,. a 1 Miller M. C. Sandals, 'O7; C. . Snavel , AleXandc. M. Myers, m a. B. 'Snider, '08; H. 4. Stock, E. ji. 'Neary, .. K. Batis, C. N. 1 1 Fle ing, , H. S. Atner„ ; 'O9; C. W. Nor , is. Short Course' Chemistry;-J. Fra Meyer, e : i:rofessor of Manrice J, hbmpson and ; C. At. BrOwn, forther insirUtorsjin the ! ' I There will e general facility_ the l 'foyer of t COLLEGIAN inner. of ttie at 7:30 :Urn. a pee* Thursda e Audito to to •. ,Collegq f SIDENT -rnment a7llhe r m i monwealth of , 1 i eh ,--LiberarArts, Natural Science, Home Eccinomic , Industrial AI - ies: tricttletlttal c rges moderate .. ist :of IFbrttary of each year •• Fair gistrar, I:1.e college., Penrsylvania _ s. 1 liat . _ . , I Th el griculturEol Society. The Agricultural Society has or ganized tior the year ,and is down to rel.!ula i r ork,i its. meetings being lf id every 114onday -evening at seven in the, Agricultutril building. The r st session; was given over to Dr, h un e t di for; i fi lis Ag a r n i n c u u a lt l ur a e d . tlre H s e s to the It on the, ' healthy growth of the 1 S i hcrol, , both in students . apd faculty, a d'upon the * prospects arid prob, ; i le s of the future, Stude,nts _ en gaged in' various practical Pursuits ditring the summer have spokeh a cid will continue to do so • during the 1 year. , • [The wank of the society 'should appeal especially to the underelais ' Men of the school fdr' it deals al , l ostentire y in 1 , I m cultural and purely Cientific,branches l • A l man who is to make i r Agriculture 1 his lifew4l 1 shohld nqt Wait till the' fourth ge- mlester ci ; his conrsel -to come,"in touch with the practical jand techni cal 'side of the work! 'The Agri cultural Society irrS tlp fill this gap ; by meat,' ofl address 4 froni stu *ts , who have - spent summer mOnthsinithe field, fro 'mem. ersof the faculty, and from en who are, auccessftr; and promi ent in their' owni'lineion ' the ifarm ' and in , other colleges. 1! It is hoped that every' Farmer arid Forester will consider it a duty tO'l i himself and 'his 'fellows to become a ' member ot`the organiza-, tion and !O vilprii fait. fully for its advancement: \ PAGE FIVE: