'! ii 1 ■ i Garfield add Beveridge ' m;iny bthers 'had tc work their through college. I " MUST YOU?j I *1 write us and we vs i'll send, ypii TES AND ADDRESSES the: the - Ni ,of commi $1285 ancj Aii Twelv ag ' " ( THE EXPLANATION? 1 IT'® >f men took our free Course hr nc Salesmanship, based un Ol obtain the information or advice you need at a minimum of afro W 1 are) not a defective bureau of fortune tellers or or nhirajole wbrkers, but ar«j simply a body of -xoerts and ttjaniie W qse qole busmen it is to furnish accurate i ordinary or linusual affairs. , Whether 1 your needs have to do problems or qimple matteb, we believe we can Help youfdnd will tree further information'-as to our methods, .charges, and the Jusjt write for particulars, stating ypur needs | - | - 1: . > lers*in Facts and •Confidential*. Advisers, .1)1 On Frii ippornin: a- pi jsure to tv ikve vvpiked haid 'or if e concerts |i andi Bpllefonte tre confident of pn ertainrbent Well wait over o': mus.a \i Ip :Hat rlns is a purely : tation, that the rpeml duch rime n preps concert, and :hat | ip rave been, arid alwja he future, (a very n< vilhinp aid in all', everyone should turn (hem support* and sf (here is btateispuit bt |r* i , fS well a? behind otlh orctn stra, gamzations. , Thes orchestra thhs that we can )ae piouc Co college never taiil onltht: excellency of ■ this year-witjt, thuty'r better than evier '■> Ine }?iogr£jtn-'|-jas b fully s|electccj 2nd ; solo ' limtnlbdis Mi who is ia fayc ,a ba> none sot ajci dr entire orchestra Th National Cleari ' 2401 Norl ?! House of Ini Capitol, jst , Wa; fr\TK c U'OT\N Orchestra C mcert. layi night w y of) havi: e will ha\e an ig our concert ogram which is T) one in preparation >en in Phihps .his wfcela. and )ducing an en- h while to any leu of trip uct student organi sers ha\ a spent ration for the the past they ys \vi,| be, :cessai ry and a ainments, and give aeip that hem too, itege or I is one Visitois of remarking he music, and teirnbersi, ,it is sen very care- threp . 1 Armstiorlg, rite. | will sitig ipanitd bv the ‘ eilect which ~ ~ 'T~ i jjoQfcl, " fee tearii i' | on Sakjiirday iat 7 a./ m.. iU t)' s ' splend the day upon the rai si.an SnSed 1 SCOres made by the tear ipiivate aifairs. o,nance to >ou, :coa, sound, ilm- ! correct pet on ly pt an almost . cdnsult ys and ;t ind exoense ps and syren's :d investigators, ionud advicej in with important gladly sehd yot! i;ld 'we cover irmation, iungtnn, D. C), | PAGE produces is very sweht !rndeed, aiad new here: Mr. Meissner will •pla>4he Seventh Concertoifioii violin, hy t The exceptional ability of MrS4Meissner is |known tfs every student.\knd the spio he has selected is|- one of |,the,. most beautiful and popular pieces ambifg of today 1 Another .feat ure willbetan Impromptu for pian do.in,’ unaccompanied, by, Mr. H ].' Meyelr HR 'His execution on the mandptin is remarkable and was A big feiaturle in the concerts at fjhilips buig andj&eliefpnte. • • » 1 Alllsedtjs will be reserved and may be otyai-jed tonight at the Athletic store from 0.30 to 5‘30, and >tdmo£- r° ''j bight, 1 after seven ( o’clock, at thei Aucitorium. prices are thirty-five and fifty cents. Cadet Rifle, Practice. Ib-iihe rifle practice on Saturday between the teams of the companies of the, Ist Battalion some- very godd scores were made • Company - A heads the list with a 1 score of 203. During this week is holding a similar competition between the company teams djf thp 2dd, Bat ta’ion. Thje winmfhg ’team will then meet the Company ‘•A,?’’ ai d theyrc|tciirs will make the first trip tp-TMilesburg. If thfe weather - i 1 ■ h... , to lowS|: Company Hollister Coribetjt Spangler Pe ton( Powell ■“A” i 43 . i 2 41 37 40 Total; 203 , 'Ornpainy| “Ct” Ct .neron >, 1 35 Khtzing 36 Wetzel f 1 - 38 i Meyer ’ 40 , . 1 Stewart : 36 - » 185 ill leave i knd/ will' -Thp s were as Company ,'“B'' Armsby ' 35 Ostertag" 3 \ Bowman ’ 31 Knapper 1 3" Walter 4 ■> Tot^l Compan Devers Harman Diehl Lynn Beer ijjTotal ■' IBfc