The Chemists' Trip. Next Wednesday morning, March 31, thirty senior and junior chemists will assemble at the Broadway Cen tral hotel in New York ready to start on their inspection trip for this year. Professors Churchill and Rentsch!er will be in charge of the party. On Wednesday they will visit the Corn Products Refining Company at Edgewater, N. J., manufacturers of glucose and glucose products; and the Colgate plant at Jersey City, N. J., where all kinds of soaps, per fumes and toilet articles are pro duced. The party goes to Bayonne, N. J., on Thursday to see the large refineries of the Tide Water Oil Com pany, and the works of the Pacific Coast Borax Company. This com pany controls practically all the borax in the United States. Friday, April 2, will be spent in New York and Brooklyn at Carl H. Schultz' mineral water works, at E. R. Squibb and Sons, manufac tures of ether and other medicinal products, at the National Lead Company, makers of white lead and linseed oil, and at John W. Masury and Son, the largest paint company in that vicinity. The party will visit the Manhattan Rubber Manufactur ing Company at Passaic, N. J., Sat- has the man who is his own lawyer. Yet in how many other matters, as vitally important, do most of us act blindly, without accurate information and sound advice. This very day you are doubtless considering some question connected with business, finance or investment, employment, public or private affairs, studies, club work, travel, or other problems of interest and importance to you, and would welcome reliable, prompt, complete information and good, sound, un prejudiced, confidential advice, because these fo:m the basis of all correct action and satisfactory results. Hitherto they have been obtainable only at an almost prohibitive cost of time, travel, trouble and money. Now you consult us and obtain the information or advice you need at a minimum of effort and expense. We are not a detective bureau of fortune tellers or dealers in tips and systems or miracle workers, but are simply a body of experts and trained investigators, whose sole business it is to furnish accurate information and sonud advice in ordinary or unusual affairs. Whether your needs have to do with important problems or simple matters, we believe we can help you, and will gladly send you free further information as to our methods, charges, and the field we cover. Just write for particulars, stating your needs Dealers in Facts and Confidential Advisers urday morning, and an optional trip is to be planned to visit the labora• tories of Columbia University in the afternoon. Sunday will be spent in New York. The party will go to Newark, N. J.. on Monday morning to visit the Murphy Varnish Company and the Carbona Products Company, makers of the so-called "Carbona" prepara tions for cleansing and polishing purposes. The trip for the after noon will be announced later. Tuesday morning they will leave for Philadelphia, stopping on the way to visit the American Smelting and Refining Company at Perth Amboy. The headquarters in Philadelphia will be at the New Hotel Hanover. On Wednesday morning they will visit the Welsbach Light Company at Gloucester City, N. J., where the Welsbach mantles are made. In the afternoon they will go to the Point Breeze Works of the United Gas Improvement Company, which is the largest water gas manufactur ing works in the country The Whitall Tatum Company at Millville, N. J., will be visited on Thursday. This company makes chemical glassware, including graduated ware, burettes, etc. A FOOL FOR HIS CLIENT National Clearing House of Information, 2401 North Capitol St., Washington, D. C TB E STATE COLLEGIAN The Barrett Manufacturing Com- pany of Frankford, Pa., producers of coal tar products, is on the itinerary for Friday morning, and Harrison Brothers and Company of Philadelphia for the afternoon. This latter company runs a contact pro cess sulphuric acid plant, manu factures general chemicals, white lead, and other pigments. On Saturday morning Baugh and Sons' chemical works, where all kinds of ammonia products are produced, will be visited. Dr. Pond will join the party in Philadelphia on Saturday and will give a dinner to all Who have taken part in the trip. After the dinner the members of the party will leave Philadelphia for their :espective homes for the Easter vacation. Varsity Baseball Practice. On Monday the Freshmen lined up against the varsity nine in what was the first of a series of practice contests for the college team. The other classes took their turns in meeting captain Hirshman's aggre gation and a regular schedule of varsity-versus-class games has been posted by manager Wilcox. Dur ing the rest of this month and all through April, when the varsity is not busy, these struggles will take place. Since the last issue of The Collegian the squad has had some valuable outdoor work and there is no room for the pessimists yet. Captain Hirshman is pleased with the work of the team, especially that of the pitchers, and State men need not fear that the nine will dis grace itself on the trip which opens one week from today at Annapolis. The lecture by Professor Dye on Scottish poetry aelivered in the old chapel last Friday night was very good, his recital of some of the best Scottish poetry being especially ef fective. The next lecture in the course is by Prof. Crockett on the poetry of Tennyson, Friday night April 2. PAGE THREE