The best investment on earth is in the earth itself. ](Buy lots on the Highlands of State College of Leathers Brothers Smith's New Studio Eastman Kodak Supplies State College BIBESEIEMMSEMIZEIEBBIZEIBZIED Style Quality Price hi clo Are three things ;most es sential in the selection of your printed stationery Our printing has a command- IRA ing style—one of its own—and it satisfies the most exacting customer. Our prices, too, are just right—and that's an important item We carry in stock the famous Eaton-Hurl but writing papers The Nittany Printing and Ili Publishing Company 1 State Colle g e -'zeiTEREEMIVE4II3€6I434IEI Full Weight! ull Measure 1 ull Count I A triple of reasons why you should buy your ii.,)l:lY GOODS GROCERIES AND NOTIONS from L. D. F -v-a, Bellefonte Trust Company Capital $125,000 T. L. Spangler, Pros. John P. Harris, Trs Ross A. Hickok, Vice Pres Isaac Mitchell, Asst. Treas. and Sec. Photographic Work and Materials IljlSome impressive facts in regard thereto: First—A No. 1 enlarging plant, ca pable of making the finest enl l argements up to 40x60 inches. Second—A com plete equipment for interior or exterior work, with a fine line of sample prints. Third—A four thousand candle power electric light. Fourth—The new system or tank development for plates and films. cSale Agent for Eastman's goods: cameras, plates, films, etc (Your patronage solicited. We will spare no pains to please you. Eastman catalogs in stock. Call and get one, ye cemera fiends. W. W. SMITH, PHOTOGRAPHER MEEK BROS. Headquarters for Student's Supplies Prescriptions carefully compounded DRUG STORE The Potter-Hay Hardware Co. Everything ha Hardware Distributors for the PENINSULAR PAINT and YARNISII CO'S complete line ASPHALT ROOFINGS our specialty BELLEFONTE, PA. HARDWARE Good Goods - Lowest Prices Honest Inspection and Fair Judgment is all I ask... .. JOHN I. OLEWINE Boxamirorern HARVEY BR OS. Bakers and Confectioners Fine Bread, Rolls and Cake Stacy, Loney and Fuller-Green® Chocolates Ice Cream in Seasonable Flavors :; GIVE US A CALL :: Prices are right Nittany Inn Building PEARCE BROS, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Wooden, Willow and Queensware -; HOTEL BLOCK GEORGE B. JACKSON CIGARS, TOBACCO AND FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A Pull Line of Smoker.' Fairy Articles. ALLEN ST., STATE 'COLLEGE, PA.