care and attention. The music, for instance, incidental to the play, has been especially arranged by Arnold Dolmetsch, perhaps the best living authority in music of the middle ages. Mr. Dolmetsch was com missioned by Mr. Greet to arrange the original music of Shakespeare's plays. He spent an entice summer in the British Museum for this pur pose. There he was able to secure the original music. and set the songs to new airs in the Elizabethan fashion. Some of the most interesting music used in the Ben Greet per formance is in Macbeth, where the greater part of the music consists of sixteenth century Scotch tunes, taken from the Straloch manuscript, a precious volume containing the oldest Scotch music known. In the Merchant of Venice, dur ing the casket scene, two famous Elizabethan tunes are introduced— for the Prince of Morocco "The King's Morisco" and for the Prince of Aragon, "Spagnioletta." The origi nal music of the song "Tell me where is Fancy Bred" being lost, a new setting in the Elizabethan style has been written b 3 Arnold Dolmetsch. The music in the Moonlight garden scene in Act V consists of three Venetian tunes : "Alta Regina" and "Bassa Du calo" two exquisite pieces for the viola do gamba and lute, printed in Venice in 1586; and "La Forlana," a graceful dance for viols and harpsichord. Tickets will be on sale at the Business Office tomorrow, (Friday) rrom 6 to 9 p. m. and at the Athletic Store on Saturday from 5 to 8 p. m. Also on Tuesday and Thurs. day of next week from 7 to 8 p. in., at the Athletic Store. They will also be on sale at the Auditorium on Saturday, Feb. 27, one hour before each performance. What? Why a 1910 La Vie of TEE STATE COLLEGIAN Ti p&}::gigEgi§gigi*gci:•,-P , i§:•,. , ::-xe3gt , i§:.lqp: T,i6:of e3L, r! fir.Q O ARGUMENTS ' 0 .12' O 0 29 , tiOL! 9 Q . 9i 0 • 9 .10' '61.17 (Jl-low about that spring suit you have been figuring on? °2 .6:0 111 Do you not think it would be policy to get us to show you ff.cli 0 samples and quote you a price on same? 9 0i 0• Five or ten dollars saved is just that much earned. We S • ig WI/ 92 O represent no less than five of the leading merchant tailors of this country. 9.10' O qWe want your order and will use you right to get it. T O . sO . O Illt won't cost you anything to find out what we have 0 O to offer and we are positive that we can save you ccnsider- 0 O able money. We assume all risk and responsibility. 1 0 O 0 O . 0 O Th'e Athletic Store ffil O 0 q):0 0 • .tßl%ci..:,,•6.gig.;**:Egiif::(*i46:egi*lgigi*:*.sgigie'-':*:644, MONTGOMERY & CO'S Spring Summer Samples are here Rustproof Dress Suit Bags Toggery Shop PAGE SEVEN