State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, January 21, 1909, Image 3

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    41 Russell Sage said : "Your -real-. estate . will make your old age
Vol.'V, No 15'. "'"'
Elective Courses •in German.
Thi following•le&ivq ~ course,s. in
~ ..
German will be offered to all stu
dents who have had Ge'ima - n 3.or . ,its
eqUivalent. Recitations will be
twice a week,,hours to be arranged
with students. All wishing to enter
the classes . 'should kindly notify the
instructorsjn : charge at once. -
Scientific : German—Prot. Fehr
Reading and translation
Heine's Poems= l Miss - Simmons.
A story
v ol Heine's life and 'poetry
with especial•attention to his lyrics,
their • sources and their literary
technique. •t• - • ••.
Introduction to the HiStory- of
German - Literature—Miss STin'inons.
English lectures; readings and Trans
lations of the representative works
of German Literature from its be
ginnings to the classical period. At ,
tentidn will be given to the growth
of literary forms and' the relation of
literary to sonial, political and re
ligious histoiy.
German Phonetics—Mr ; . iiriard.'
Especially intended for those who
expect to be'dOme tea'aiers' or'Who
desire to acquirea correct pronuncia- ° `
German COriveisation—Mr. Gold
smith. Special attention, "mill be
given to die building up p' ay~ioOab
Wary and to the use.- of. 0116cluial
- .= •
Lyrics of Goethe and.. Schiller
Mr. Goldsmith. Reading Eno:itudY
of selected poems. Lecturel on
the lives and works sof die two
President J. D. Moffa,t•of.W. and
J. college will spealc_.at_ripxt . Sun
day's chapel exercises.
' ' StATE'dOLLtdE:` PA., L JANtARY 21, 1909
An Electrical Dinner
r Sixty-nine inemlsers of the elec
trical_department enjoyed a chicken
ando.vaffler dinner at-. the Nittany
..Inn,las.t Friday evening. The guest
of honor was Dr. A. S. McAllister,
!of-New York, who . duting' the week
delivered eighteen lectures before
!the junior and senior electricals
iPreOdent Sparks was also. a gue'st.
Dean Jackson had been called out of
,town .and was.unable to be I_,(23eiii.
_ The following toasts \vote .Ic
spoßded to, C. N _Fleming acting as
toastmaster: "For.the Glory of Dal
State,". president Sparks; "Rem
imscences,", Dr. McAllister; - The
.1909 Lrlectrica)s„'' . 'Rader; ''The
1910 Electricals,", S. J.. lvieNar)
O.ther, talks were given by the in
struetor, the keynote of all bein g
an appreciaton of the work which
pr. McAllister had - done during the
—Alumni Banquet in Boston.
' The New England Alumni A:sso
Ciaiion of the Pennsylvania State
College "will'giveta'banquet at which
Prd§idefit Sparks be. the guest
of liOnor;, at Young's Hotel in
;.Beittififi `on Saturday evening, Jar,-
ua'tP3o.• The hour is set' tor half.-
f;At's - ix. All albmni. students and
Irierids'Of`the college are urged to
attend. "Those expecting to be
present will• kindly forward their
names to J. C. Clendenin, So Ocean
St., Lynn, Mass.
Frederick W. Vanderbilt has ie
:centiy - given $50,000 to the Shef
field Scientific School of Yale Uni
versity. Mr.. Vanderbilt, who is a
graduate of 'the class' of '76, has
already placed two dormitories on
Sheffield SqtiarE. - '
-1,. e
Ave r 4 el? ) vega
44 ;• • AV LI
- : _I.
price _ Five Cents
Good - Euterlainment 'for Senior
Arrangements "lave been practicer
ly completed for what promise's to
•be a most iuteiesting Senior Week.
'The program will begin with the
Senior Dance at McAllister Hall do
Fii, - :av evening ' On. Saturday' aft
eifioon an elaborate entertainment
'will b'e;, , ,tven under the personal di
"ec::o,l of 'Pep" Golden: •It will
of - Rvariety of fcatures,`in
udinv WlCSililw,
bualing. The seedrid
act i iil I.)t a comedy, - College
Days, — and some rare and noiiel
stunts may be 'expected - The pro : .
.;iaM . will con am many musical
'lain - lb - els, since the - glee club', the
oichesti - :, and the mandolin club
,vill all take part. No charge will
be made, and rickets may be se
bured from - the committee.
In the evening Bucknell will Play
oin five in basketball, • and- the - Man
dolin and glee 'clubs will give a . doa-
Oft which promises ti - Y: Le better
even 'than their usual- standard' of
On Sunday evening Miss - Ather
ton,assistil by outside- talent, will
%ive a sacred concert, and the Week's
pro, am will end with' • the Te6si
cholea., danCe on Monday evening.
The committee and - all who'are
interested in Senior Week have
worked hard to 'make it unusually
successful this yew, and it only re
mains foi all to their part.
Prof. and Mrs I. M. Willard gave
enjoyable receptions on Tuesday
and Wednesday evenings of last
week for tue faculty to meet Mr.
Frank N. D. Buchman, the new
general secretary of the Y.'M. C. A