STATE COLLEGIAN Published on of each week during the college year by the students of The Pennsylvania State College in the interest of the Students. Fac ulty, Alumni and Friends of the college. Entered at the Postoffice, State College, Pa , as second class matter Editor in Chief C. N. FLEMING, 'O9 Assistant Edith' J. K. BARNES, 'O9 Associate Editors P. B. BENNETCH, 'O9. A. W. FISHER, 'lO. K. B. LOHMANN, 'lO. J. F. MATTERN, 'lO D R. MASON, 'll Business Manager N. B. HIGGINS, 'O9 Assistant F. H. BERKEBILE, 'lO C. F. PRESTON, 'll SUbtSCRIPTION. 01.. 50 per year or $1.25 if paid within 30 days after late of subscription. THURSDAY, OC r. 15, 1908 Notice Subscriptions to the Collegian, if paid during October, are $1.25; otherwise $1.50. They may be mailed to the manager or given to Any member of the board. EDITORIAL. With the Bucknell game only abOut three weeks off, it is not too early to make plans for entertaining the students who will undoubtedly accompany the visiting team on their trip here. One thing is certain: our visitors should not be charged seventy-five cents for transportation from Lemont. Why can not arrange ments be made to bring them up from the Pennsylvania station for nothing? Any courtesy which we can show them will be appreciated, ana will help to promote better feel ing between the two institutions. THE STATE COLLEGIAN The Collegian is glad at any time to publish news concerning the woi k of the various county clubs We believe that a great deal can be ac• complished throughout the state by the clubs in the work of promoting the interests of the College. Jusc now the clubs are ti ying to induce as many men as possible to go home for the election During the holiday season many dinners will be held throughout the state and men will doubtless be influenced to come here next year. Aside from the good which may come in such ways as we have suggested, there is a pleasure in coming together occa sionally with the men from our home county. At the last meeting of the Col legian board, Dale R. Mason 'll, and C. F. Preston, 'll, were elected to the editorial and the business staff, respectively, of the paper. The former has had charge of the athletic department of the paper for several issues, and the latter has assisted the business staff for about the same length of time. Both are therefore familiar with the work. We are glad to place their names upon the list of editors, and feel that the paper is strengthened by their election. We notice in looking over the papers from other colleges, many songs and yells that are written to be used at football games. State used to have new songs every year. Why can we not have them this year? The Collegian is anxious to help in bringing out new songs, and if anyone can write a song for the Bucknell game which is worth bring- ing to the attention of the student b pdy, we shall be glad to publish it Great Activity in Real Estate. The growth of the College, espea.: ially dui ing the past year, has caused great activity in real estate transactions, and prOperty valued have increased rapidly within the last few months. Among recent large deals has been the purchase of the Andrews farm, adjoining State College, by Prof. 1. L. Foster and J. Laird Holmes. The land will * be laid out in building. lots. The Hamilton farm, which lies just out:- siae. of town has also been plotted and lots are being sold. The Fosfell farms southeast of town are beiri sold off rapidly. Action has been begun to include several of these additions in the borough, and it will probably not be long before Greater State College will be a reality. Resolutions. Whereas Almighty God, in his infinite wisdom, has seen fit to call to Himselt the soul of the father of our friend and classmate, William Fuhs, be it therefore Resolvcd, that we extend our heartfelt sympathy to his family in their bereavement; and be it further Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be published in the State Collegian. H. J. Bennett, W. J. Carlson, R. V. Gossard. Committee in behalf of the 1909 R. R. Dry, 'OB, is in the signal department of the New York Central rail' oao at Fairport, N. Y. Elizabeth B. Bricker, 'OO, who was graduated at the Woman's Medical College in Philadelphia in 1903, and who was for some time on the staff of the Philadelphia Hospital, recently opened an office and is practicing in Lititz, Pa. -