Inter Class Track Meet. The freshmen won the inter class track meet on Wednesday of last week without any difficulty. The freshmen carried off 67 points, the sophomores 23, the seniors 16, the preps 10 and the juniors 9. The events of the meet were as follows 120 yard hurdles—Harrison, 'lO, Guyer, 'll, Bear,'ll. Time, 17 3-5 seconds 100 yard dash—Bubb, Spanogle, 'll, Berry, 'l2. Time, 10 3-5 seconds. Mile run—Howarth, 'll, Berke- bile, 'lO, Maddock, 'll, minutes 49 2-5 seconds. 440 yard dash—Dead heat be tween Miller, 'll, and Berry, 'l2; third, Smith, 'll. Time 53 sec onds. Two mile run—Metzger, 'll, Eldred, 'll, Maine, 'll. Time, 11 minutes 9 seconds. THE STATE COLLEGIAN Half mile run—Hay, 'lO O'Neil, 'll, Imel, 'll. Time 2 minutes .6 2-5 seconds. 220 yard hurdles—Mathers, 'll, Shein, 'll, Hay, 'l2. Time, 28 seconds. 220 yard dash—Bubb, ' 11, Berry, 'l2, Spanogle. 'll. Time, 22 2-5 seconds. Pole vault—Maurhoff, 'O9, Gra ham, 'll, Shobert, 'll. Height, 10 feet. Shot put—Hirshman, 'lO, Dunn, 'OB, McClellan, 'll. Distance, 36 feet 1 1-4 inches Hammer throw—Dunn. 'OB, Ritchey, 'OB, Hand, 'OB. Distance, 121 feet 2 1-s inches. Time, 4 High jump—Braddock, 'lO, Sad ler, 'O9, Furst. 'O9. Height, 5 feet 5 inches. Broad jump—Mathers, 'll, Brad dock, 'll, Porter, 'll. Distance. 20 feet 1 1-2 inches. Discus throw•—McClellan, 'll, Dunn, 'OB, Ritchey, 'OB% Distance 100 feet. The W. U. P.—Carnegie Tech Meet. The arrangements have finally been completed for Monday's triangular track meet with W. U. P. and Carnegie Tech on Beaver Field. Tne original plan was for our team to compete against the combined teams from the Pittsburg institu- tions, but by a later arrangement the points made by each team will be counted separately. Carnegie Tech will probably bring seven men and W. U. P. five. Both teams will be made up of the best men from the institutions and an interesting con test is assured. Miss Anna A. MacDonald, who was formerly connected with the college library, graduates this year from the library school of Pratt In stitute, Brooklyn. She has been appointed chief assistant in the office of the Pennsylvania Library Commission, and will begin her work July 21.