Junior Oratorical Contest. The following is the program for the Junior Oratorical Contest to be held in the Auditorium at eight o'clock on Monday morning : Music—t'Four-in-hand".... ORATIONS "The Era of Conscience" "America: Their Land or Ours." ' ' Borinquen 's Plea" Domingo Panain Music—" The Teddy Bears' Picnic" . Bratton "A Square Deal for the Boy ' Warren E. Hoffman "Education and the Negro Problem" "The Challenge of Socialism" "Knights and Ladies Music Waltzes' The following alternate orators have been chosen under the same conditions as the orators, to serve in case of the indisposition of latter : ''The Responsibility of Directors" D. Lloyd Markle. "The New Federalism" Harry A. Hey "The Work of American Womanhood" Elizabeth B. Bower In the interval before the an nouncement of the award of prizes, the certificates from the debating club and the trustees will be present ed to the following members of the intercollegiate debating teams : G. W. Groff, 'O7, H.M. Braucher, 'OB, W. F. H. Wentzel, 'OB, A. A. Bor land, 'O9, and M. Smith, 'll. The first prize will be the Barlow prize of $5O, and the second the College oratorical prize of $25. New Scenery for Thespians. The new scenery for the Tnes pians arrived last week, and under the direction of Mr. Wise. the con tractor, was set up for the first time. This is the primary move of the Thespians to put their productions on a higher plane and so make it an organization of which the College will feel proud. The new scenery is made on the same principle as all theatre scenery Braham Andrew A. Berland Herbert H. Acheson William C. Weaver Karl H. Marsh St. Clair THE STATE COLLEGIAN Dairy Employment Agency LANSING, MIC:.11 Deals in Men and Positions F. 0. FOSTER, PROPRIETOR State College Supply Co Agents for Spalding Athletic Goods Dougias and Walk Over Shoes E. L. Graham. Manager I. C. HOLMES Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits STATE COLLEGE, PA. THE MALLORY STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY BELLEFONTE PENNA Specialty of Oval Portrait Frames M. Ferguson, 'O9, agent, Kappa Sigma I - IA RDWARE Good Goods - Lowest Prices Honest Inspection and Fair Judgment is all I ask.... • JOHN I. °LEWIN - Ft: BlGlA.r.romrE `Oksktkng cards Stak 341.11.e.ikMsteN 'kW\ Skating Rink GOOD FLOOR BEST SKATES Knisely Brothers Graham's Barber Shop on the corner. Travelers say it's the best in Central Penn sylvania. Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos Daily Pittsburg and Philadelphia Papers Your patronage solicited FOR QUICK LUNCH Confectionery, Soda Water and Ice Cream go to Harrison's Restaurant Oysters in season The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Capital $lOO,OOO NITTANY LIGHT & POWER CO. STATE COLLEGE. HOTEL LIVERY FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS Commercial Telephone C. D. CASEBEER Jeweler and Optician All kinds of rc pair woi k prompt'y clone Eyes examined free Private optical parlor BELLEFONTE PENNSYLVANIA BUSH HOUSE BELLEFONTE PENNA Rate per day ,i 2 50 With Lath F 73 per day -NV. L. DAGGETT Elie centre (Eountg 23 a11k z3etlefonte Surplus $lOO,OOO