Lafayette Track Meet. The meet held last, Saturday at Easton resulted in the score of 53 to 51, in favor of Lafayette. The .closeness of the score shows the in tense rivalry existing between the two teams. Lafayette was so interested in winning that only two sets of hurdles could be found when these events were called. In consequence, heats in each of these events had to be run. As we had only one man entered in each of the hurdles, the second heat was a one man affair for Lafayette. The first heats were won by the Lafayette runners, and the State men were dropped and placed in third place. The loss of these places meant the loss of the meet. as the score would have been reversed by the taking of the seconds in these two events, which was not at all improbable. The other features of the meet were the breaking of two records, lone for each college. Dunn broke the . State record in the hammer throw by about a foot, establishing .a new record of 13.) feet 3 inches. Herrick, of Lafayette, lowered the Lafayette record in the 220 hurdles by 4-5 of a second, setting the new mark at 26 1-5 seconds. The summary : 100 yard dash—Won by Bubb, State; Schaeffer. Lafayette, second; Child, State, third. Time, 101-5 seconds. 220 yard dash—Won by Schaef fer, L; Bubb, S., second. Time, 22 4-5 seconds. 440 yard -dash—Won by Miller, S; Hogeland, L., • second; Fields, L., third. Time, b 4 3-5 seconds. 880 yard run—Won by Paxson, L., Hay, S., second; Bedale, S., third. Time, 2 minutes, 8 1-5 sec onds. One mile run—Won by Goodwin, L.; Howarth, S., second; Lindsey, S., third. Time, 4 minutes, 44 2-5 seconds. THE STATE COLLEGIAN Two Imile run—Won by Smith, S.; Goodwin, L., second; Ogilvie. S., third. Time, 10 minutes, 36 seconds. 120 yard hurdles—Won by Pax son, L.; Lee, L., second; Zink, S., third. Time, 17 seconds. 220 yard hurdles-- Won by Her rick, L.; Schaeffer, L., second; Child, S., third. Time, 26 1-5 seconds. High jump—Won by Lee, L ; Braddock, S., second; Rankin, L., third. Height, 5 feet, 8 inches. Broad jump—Won by McCaa, L.; Paxon, L., second; I ee, L., third. Distance, 20 feet, 11 inches. Pole vault—Won by Maurhoff and Zink, tied for first for State; Jahn, L., third. Height, 9 feet, 6 inches. 16 pound shot put—Won by R. Smith, S.; Dunn, S., second; Cyphers, S., third. Distance, 37 feet, 8 inches, 16 pound hammer throw—Won by Dunn, S.; Cyphers, S., second; Rumbaugh, L., third. Distance, 135 feet, 3 inches. Points scored, Lafayette, 53; State 51. Y. M. C. A. Committees. The following Association com mittees have been announced for the college year of 1908-09. Religious Work—Fleming, 'O9, J. L. Martin, 'lO, J. E. Metzger, 'll, Pentecost, 'll. Bible Study—Platt, 'lO, S. H. Smith, 'O9, Meade, 'll, E. H. Metzger, 'll. Membership—Ogilvie, 'lO, A. H. Jones, 'lO, Eldred, 'll, Stahle, 'll. Finance—L. M. Fisher, 'lO, Mc- Bride, 'll, Rhoads, 'll. Mission Study—Gross, 'O9, Berkebile, 'lO, M. Smith, 'll, Sill, 'll. Conference—Lethig, 'O9. Social—Wharen, 'lO, Gill 'lO, Lohmann, 'lO, J. H. Miller, 'll. Cox Sons and Vining 26? Fourth Ave.. N.Y. • , CAPS and 'ir,;;OPtl.4l. 0r), W •, GONS % / 0' - J. G. Stoll, Representative 4, .111]. 5 i:f-.4.itflajti ) ALTR 0 P •,, , ,Y: -,), -;.,., , ,, , -,, , , - 1,, ~ ,: b ., , :, Style and service are woven and stitched into every ARROW COLLAR 15c. each-2 for 25c. CLITETT., PEABODY ct Go.,Makers ) ri ii . -•-• The Palace Restaurant Sandwiches, Soups and Pies always on hand. J. C. SUPPLER, Proprietor. Church Relations—Lams, 'lO, Faust, 'lO, Kantner, 'lO, Steele, 'lO. Handbook—J. K. Barnes, 'O9. Examinations to Close on Friday. At the regular meeting of the Council of Administration held on May 14, it was decided that in or der to bring the final examinations to a close on the Friday before the beginning of Commencement week. examinations in two subjects, par ticularly in those scheduled for only a few hours of recitation per week. may be set for the same day. It was also ordered that all subjects catalogued for two hours or less of recitation per week shall occupy on ly two hours for examination.