STATE COLLEGIAN Published on Thursday of each week during the college year by the students of The Pennsylvania State College in the interest of the Students, Fac ulty, Alumni and Friends of the college. Entered at the Postoffice, State College, Pa., as second class matter Editor in Chief C. N. FLEMING, 'O9 Assistant Editor J. K. BARNES, 'O9 Associate Editors R. W. KRISE, 'OB. S. W. BLOOM, 'OB. G. E. MILLER, 'OB A. W. FISHER, 'lO. K. B. LOHMANN, 'lO. J. F. MATTERN, 'lO Business Manager J D. WOODWARD, 'OB Business Manager-Elect N. B. HIGGINS, 'O9 Assistants P. B. BENNETCH, 'O9. F. H. BERKEBILE, 'lO SUI3SCRIPTION. t1:50 per year or $1.25 if paid within 30 days after tate of subscription. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1908 EDITORIAL. The Collegian extends hearty greetings "to our new President. We Velieve that a college without a chief executive is like a ship without a rudder. The wonderful work ac complished by President Atherton can only be appreciated fully when it has been viewed through the vista of years. Beginning as he did with practically no equipment or means at his disposal, and against almost ih'urrnountable difficulties, he laid Elie safe foundations for an institu tion of learning in whose future we lia've absolute faith - When President Atherton was called from us, only one man seemed fitted at that time to carry- on the work so well begun. General IHE STATE COLLEGIAN Beaver, at a great sacrifice, gave his time and his energy to the advance ment of the interests of the College. President Sparks comes to us with the ideals and the enthusiasm of a young man, and , ith great possi bilities before him in the develop ment of this young institution. To him as our President we wish to pledge our support and the support or every loyal State man. The co operation of every student is essen tial in the upbuilding of our College. Every man can help so energetically that he will have no time to waste in unnecessary criticism or fault find ing. Our President has able and competent assistants, but no number of assistants can do for him and for the College just what the stuaent body can do. As loyal sons of Pennsylvania State, therefore, let us work in harmony for the future of our College, and for the advance ment of her interests. A most commendable custom has been inaugurated by the President's office, that of sending to The Col legian, immediately after each meet ing of the Council of Administration, a brief of the transactions of that body in as far as they concern the faculty or the students. The object of this plan is to furnish to the members of our college community an accurate report of the work of the Council as it affects our common welfare. On Saturday there is scheduled a game with Bucknell which should prove to be one of the most interest ing of the season. Three weeks ago Bucknell appeared 1,0 strong on Beaver Field, prepared to cheer their team on to victory, We can show our loyalty to our baseball and tennis teams in no better way than by accompanying them on Saturday. Not only wi:l we see a stirring contest, but we will be af forded the opportunity to associate with )they college men. Everybody out for Bucknell! The New Engineering Publication. Within the next week the new publication "The Engineer" is ex pected from the printers. This is a 90 page illustrated engineering jour nal, touching on matters of interest to students, to graduates, and to practicing engineers. The first issue of the new publication has a three fold object: first, to give to out siders who are not familiar with what is being done in the school, a fair notion of some of the facilities at hand and of the development of the work; second, to print some papers of the students' showing"-in vestigations now tinder Wii;;" - iiid third, by means of carefully gathered facts and by technical papers, to give evidence that the training in this College is worthy - cif 'wider recognition' than it has received 'in Pennsylvania. It 'will be under stood, therefore, that the central aim of this issue is - to' giVe a' - brdad ccnception of the work and aim of the School of Engineering. Copies will be sent td alumni, to prospective studentg,' and' tO ''prorri inent engineers. Each student'-of the School of Engineering can ob tain a copy upon application to the business manager, K. H. Marsh, 'O9. Additional copies can be ob tained for 25 cents each, the regular price being 50 cents. . - The Cotillion' club will dive a ' re ception to President and' Mrs. Sparks on Friday evening from 8 to 9:30 at McAllister Hall. - - • *- M. A. Mitchell has recently be come - niariager 'ccf"the McKeesport Automobile & Machine Works.