Sate ~ 1 - I Vol. IV, No 28 THE:NENVi, PRESTDFST HERE Dr: Sparks., Arrives. and Begins Active Duties. Dr-. Sparks arrived with his daughter,on Monday afternoon, and has taken up__ his_ permanent_ resi dence in , the President's house. Mrs. Sparks was ; unable to accom pany her husband from Chicago be cause of social. engagements, but she will-be here before the end of the week to assist in the work of home making. Dr. and Mrs. Sparks will entertain at their new home during Commencement week President Alexander C. Humphreys of the Stevens Institute of Technology, and wife, Dr. Paul Shorey of the University of - Chicago, and wife, and General and Mrs. Miller of Franklin, Pa. Mr. and Mrs Charles M. Schwab and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew. Carnegie have alSo been invited to be guests at the Presi dent's house at Commencement time. Tuesday evening Dr. Sparks met the faculty in a General Faculty Meeting. The policy for the new administration of the College ‘as outlined and committees will be ap pointed to aid in systematizing the work. No changes. IA ill be made,in the management of the College, but all efforts will be bent to perfect the best system possible for con ducting affairs according to the present rules. In Dr. Sparks ad dress to the faculty he presented no radical-ideas, but simply expressed his intention• to gather up the reins and•continue the work now under way. At the mass meeting in the Audi torium yesterday morning the STATE COLLEGE, PA., MAY 14, 1908. President-elect addressed the stu dent body. A fuller report of this address and of the welcome that the students extended to Dr. Sparks will be given in next week's Col legian. Band Concert Soon. The vote taken in chapel on Mon day morning to find what sentiment there was among the student body in favor of a band concert proved an encouragement and incentive to the members. They have commenced to work faithfully and will continue so for a couple of weeks to produce a creditable concert. This concert was planned for earlier in the year, but various diffi culties arose to prevent its being given. The object of the concert will be to provide funds for the purchase of some new instruments, and for the payment of some recent ly, bought. This is the only means the band has of procuring any money for instruments and music. To show an appreciation of its work during the past year, and to show interest in its success for next year, everyone should endeavor to attend, assurance being given to all that the program will be of standard music and well rendered On Wednesday evening, May 6, Dr. Wadsworth gave a very enjoy able banquet to the Senior Miners at the Beta Theta Pi House. The oc casion was also the celebration of Dr. Wadsworth's sixty-first birthday. The forty guests present enjoyed a game of cards before they sat down to the banquet. The party did not break up till about three o'clock in the morning. ._, L e 1 , , i Ln_ 3' • , - LETTER FROM DR. WADSWORTH Concerning the School of Mines and Metallurgy. In response to your request, it seems best to make such statements concerning this School and its policy as will tend to leave its prospective Dean free and unhampered to con- tinue its marvelous growth. At the time I took charge of it, in 1901, it had an attendance of 21 , students, with an average for ,the eight preceding years of 20. Since the school then stood nineteenth in size amongst mining schools in this, country, had but little and poor, DR. M. E. WADSWORTH equipment, a small income, few_ and : scattered rooms, in which it existed as an interloper, and a course of in struction similar to some fifty others in the country, its future was dark aria forbidding. An especial diffi culty was its inconvenient distance from good and available mining dis tricts, in which particular it had the poorest location of any mining school in this State. The question was then what could be done to increase its standing in the country and place it in the fore- Price Five Cents