STATE COLLEGIAN eublished on Thursday of each week during the college year by the students of The Pennsylvania State College in the interest of the Students. Fac ulty, Alumni and Friends of the college. Entered at the Postoffice. State College, Pa , as second class matter Editor in Chief C. N. FLEMING, 'O9 Assistant Editor J. K. BARNES, 'O9 Associate Editors R. W. KRISE, 'OB. S. W. BLOOM, 'OB. G. E. MILLER, 'OB A. W. FISHER, 'lO. - K. B. LOHMANN, 'lO. J. F. MATTERN, 'lO Business Manager J D. WOODWARD, 'OB Business Maneger-Elect N. B. HIGGINS, 'O9 Assistants P. B. BENNETCH, 'O9. F. H. BERKEBILE, 'lO SUBSCRIPTION. a. 50 per year or $1.25 if paid within 30 days after Sate of subscription. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908 EDITORIAL. At the annual election of the Col legian board held recently, the pres ent editor-in-chief was re-elected for the college year of 1908- 09,and N. B. Higgins, 'O9, was elected business manager to serve during the same time. The assistant editor, H. A. Hey, 'O9, feeling that he. could no longer spare the time for the work, formally tendered his resignation. Mr. Hey has done faithful, consistent work during the past year and to him belongs no small share of the credit for any improvement which the paper may have made during that time. Mr. J. K. Barnes, 'O9, who is editor-in-chief of the 1909 La Vie, has been chosen to fill the IHE STATE COLLEGIAN position and will share the edi torial work for the corning year. The editorial policy for the year will not differ materially from that of the past. Briefly stated, our en deavor will be to publish a weekly that is worthy of our college and of all that it represents. In this aim we ask the criticism. the encourage ment, and the support of our read ers, particularly of the men who have gone forth ft om our college halls into the active work of lire. We wish to remind alumni that the college paper is one of the best means . of keeping in touch with events at the College. We believe that the next few months will wit ness changes of vital importance to the institution. A new . president will take up his work within a few weeks; new buildings are being erected; the number of students is increasing as never before; the name of Pennsylvania State is spreading througnout the country. Do you wish to keep in touch with these phases of college activity ? Let us help you. An Important Change of Schedule. At a meeting of the General Fac ulty held April 23rd, the special committee to whom was referred the recommendations of the school of engineering made their teport and upon motion the following seven recommendations were adopted : First. That a total of time, not to exceed fifty hours per week— in cluding time spent in recitation and private study, and in investigation, laboratory,forensics, or other so call ed practicum work, but exclusive of military drill and gymnasium prac tice—be regarded the maximum of required time in this College. Second. That two and one-half hours be regarded as the unit, or credit, which unit may be wholly practicum or may consist of a recita tion hour together with one and one half hours of private study. Third. That the value of one unit be given to two and one-half hours spent in laboratory or other practicum work, with the under standing that each instructor in a practicum subject be required to re duce, by an equivalent . amount of time, the time spent in shops, laboratories, drawing rooms, etc., if he require any outside work in con nection with such practicum sub jects. Fourth. That twenty such units or credits shall constitute, so far as time is concerned, the work of one week. - Fifth. That credits for work done in each department be assigned on this basis. Sixth. That these recommenda tions shall not stand in the way of any student whose capacity is such as to enable him to do more work, provided he maintains grade in his regular work. Seventh. That each School en deavor, so far as possible, to see to it that the instructors of its several departments secure from the stu dents under their instruction a reasonable compliance with these recommendations. The Faculty also voted that here after credits be given for military drill and gymnasium work on the same basis as for practicum subjects. A Successful Baseball Season Opened. After opening the baseball season here with Carnegie Tech. on Satur day April eleventh 'in a game which ended 24 to 1 in State's favor and which was characterized by the heavy hitting of captain "Burde" Cree's team, the varsity indulged in several good contests with captain Ryan's scrubs, and on Thursday of the next week left for the Southern trip. Continued on page 1U