State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, April 30, 1908, Image 4

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    back of him ready to lend every ef
fort toward making The Pennsyl
vania State College an institution of
The class reunions should prove
very attractive. If you want to see
the old friends you have not seen
since graduation this will be the time.
Tuesday, June 16th, will be Alumni
Day in the full sense of the word.
The classes which will hold reunions
on this day are the following:' 83,' 88,
'93, '9B, 'O3, and 'O6. For a num
ber of years Tuesday of Commence
ment Week has been set aside as
Alumni Day. Each year the num
ber of Alumni in attendance has
been larger. If you can spare just
one day from your business, make it
Tuesday and help the "Old Boys
paint the town red. ' Write to your
particular friends and tell them to be
present by all means. You know it
will not seem like old times if they
are missing
the Alumni Headquarters will be
in the Carnegie Library, the first
door to the right as you enter. You
can secure any information or as
sistance you may need by applying
at Headquarters. The Secretary of
the Alumni Association will be
pleased to answer all inquiries ad
dressed to him at State College.
The following tentative program
has been arranged by the Com
mittee. There may be some minor
changes in this program but this is
altogether improbable Efforts are
being made to secure the Ben Greet
Players for an afternoon's pet
formance on the campus on Tuesday
Class reunions on Campus 8.30
to 10.30 a. m.
Business meeting of 41umni Asso
ciation 10.30 to 12 a. m.
Alumni parade 2.00 p. m.
Alumni baseball game and field
events 2.30 p. m.
Alumni reception in McAllister
Hall 8.00 p. m.
The Alumni reception given in
McAllister Hall will be for all
Alumni and their friends. The
graduating class is specially re
quested to be present.
Signed, Alumni Committee.
Athletic Report.
The Auditing Committee of the
Athletic Association for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 1907,
has submitted the following report
to the Athletic Association :'
Gate receipts
From general association
Guarantees paid
Expenses on trips. 834 12
Supplies, rubbing,etc.... 873 16
Medical services
Entertainment of teams.. 54 00
Printing 32 10
Telephone and telegraph. ll 09
$2227 72
From guarantees $1307 50
" gate receipts 341 63
general association..
fees 2431 99
$4OBl 12
Expenses on trips. $1862 48
Guarantees paid
Rubbing, etc
Entertainment of teams.. 121 75
Supplies 1088 86
Medical services 55 75
Printing ...,.. ......... 49 90
Postage, telephone, and
From classes for band ex
Gate receipts
Guarantees 6555 54
From general association
Expenses on trip
Guarantees paid
Medical services
Postage. telephone and
telegraph .... ....... 60 88
Rules Committee meetings 133 98
$7587 14
$ 231 8:.:
Balance from last year... $1342 21
465 00
Winter term fees
Spring " "
1530 90
$2227 72
If f,
*Balance, bills unpaid
$ 384 75
Janitor Track House
Bills last year
Labor on athletic field,
38 50
freight, etc
Printing and postage
Traveling expenses .
Souvenirs 151 72
General athletic Dept.... 1533 90
Baseball .
Football .
*These bills have been paid out of
the current year's funds and are in
cluded in the audit.
The committee has been informed
by the manager of the athletic store
that the proportion of profits due
the association from that store will
more than make up the amount of
bills unpaid. As the accounts of
this store will not be formally audited
until later, the specific amount is
not named. Assurance, however,
can be given that the association will
enter the new year with a balance
to its credit.
45 00
640 00
163 57
52 31
1 50
$4OBl 12
X 77 34
35 50
Pharsonian seats are 25, 35 and
50 cents. No general admission
tickets sold.
918 76
$7387 14
$3235 04
750 00
2187 79
976 40
34 00
177 50
31 60
2081 00
457 06
$5408 27
$5468 27
Respectfully submitted,
J P. Jackson, Chairman,
W. R. McConnell,
J. S. Ritchey.
814 00
774 00
33 00
20 50
85 87
183 19
33 99
33 85
41 50
2431 99
918 76