State Vol. IV, No 26 By courtesy of Dr. Sparks A MESSAGE TO THE AL "It is a pleasure to send, upon in vitation of the Collegian, a word of greeting to the scattered sons and daughters of old State. Upwards of three hundred of them I have had the pleasure of meeting at various alumni dinners during the past three months, and I entertain no doubt that the zeal, loyalty, and en thusiasm for their Alma Mater mani- fest on these set occasions char- acterizes every alumnus however distant he may be. Believing that The Pennsylvania State College has a futUre no less illustrious than the past has been, that an era of even greater usefulness to the public is at hand, that the state college of every state should present a curriculum so Coll STATE COLLEGE, PA., APRIL 30, 1908 THE CHICAGO ALUMNI DINNER UMNI FROM DR. SPARKS broad that every young man and woman of the state could find the kind of education for - which he or she is qualified by nature or fitted by taste, that the trustees, alumni, faculty, students, and public stand ready to support a vigorous, sane, and liberal administration - believing all this, I except the chief executive office with only one misgiving, and that purely personal. Fully ap preciating the influence of the alunini, I ask their hearty support in the maintenance of a worthy standard of scholarship; of a meritorious code of action for the student body; and a just recognition of the claims of the College upon public and private beneficence." egian. A Message to Alumni. June 14th will be the opening day of Commencement, and the Com mittee on Commencement Arrange ments hopes to have one of the largest crowds in attendance that has ever attended a State College Commencement. A number of special features which will prove very attractive to Alumni and old students will be on the program, and we heartily urge you one and all to be present. The inauguration of Dr. Edwin E Sparks as President of the Col lege will be an event of import and interest to Alumni and former stu dents. Dr. SparKs comes to us with a splendid record as an edu cator and the unqualified endorse ment of all Alumni who know him. When he assumes the leadership on June 17th, we want him to feel as sured that to a man the Alumni are Price Five Cents