COLLEGE NOTES. Dr. Sparks spent Monday at the college on his way west from the series of alumni meetings. Wanted—A combination snow shoe and life preserver to render the navigation of the campus alks leas dangerous. It is rumored that the sand re cently deposited near the Ladies Cottage is intended for distribution to timid callers. The senior class has decided to hold their banquet in Bellefonte some time this month. The com mittee consists of C. S. Snavely, F. A. Hull, J. E. Boyle, J. E. Perry, and D. R. Simpson. On Sunday evening at 6.15 in the Old Chapel, there will be a mass meeting in place of the usual Y. M. C. A. meeting. The subject thereof will be "Daddy" Groff, 'O7. Dr. Stecker, mho is a life mem• ber of the American Mathematical Society, attended the regular meet. ing of that society at Columbia Uni versity, New York City, on Feb. 29th. "Tom" Fennell, who has for several years coached our football teams, was re-electea for a three year team on the advisory football committee at Cornell. This com mittee guides the destinies of the coaching system Chicago Alumni to Dine. An alumni dinner will be given at the University Club in Chicago on the evening of March 14th at which it is hoped that all alumni and former students living in or near Chicago will be present. Further information will be furnished by Mr. W. M. Camp, Manhattan Build ing, Chicago. W. T. DUNN THE STATE COLLEGIAN It is impossible to judge the - International Clothes by the price. There is nothing about them that is similar to others—so comparison is out place. They' stand alone. Though popular priced they' are far in advance gf those that co t you double. The difference lies in the fact that the International Tailoring Co., Ncw York and Chicago have different methods and ar_: able to render service 21 Ih2 hi ,- /hest order at a price that none can imitate. ' •z. 9. E. D. MATTER, AGENT H.-A. EVEY ....._ Livery CAB WORK A SPECIALTY Both 'Phones "MOTHER" DUNN'S GRUB AT McALLISTER HALL Three Dollars a week And worth it all ROOM No. 666 AI A 1 N W. D. CUSTARD NALL PAPER, ROOM MOULDING STATE COLLEGE PAINTING AND PAPERING F. B. SCOTT