The Freshman Banquet. The scene of the Freshman Ban quet last Thursday evening was the Park Hotel at Williamsport. About three hundred freshmen were pres ent and this annual affair was de clared a great success by 1911. ' Early in the week, the suspicions of the sophomores were aroused by the departure of a number of prom inent freshmen and things imme diately grew interesting among the underclassmen. The "sophs." kept a constant watch and made several desperate attempts to capture Presi dents Barnett, who had taken sud den leave, but were ur successful. All the speakers made goon their escape to Williamsport in the early part of the week,and their remained in hiding until the class arrived on Tuesday evening. The plan adopted by the entire class for reaching the oanquet was much Similar to that used last year. A special train composed of box cars was stationed on the belle fonte Central about a mile from the college at the appointed hour 7 p. m. Long before that time, fresh men in bunches of twos and threes made their way to the train and the Sophomores did not realize that the banquet was on until the majority of the freshmen had reached the train. The small nu - nber of ''sophs." who were on hand put up a good scrap in spite of tne fact that they were out greatly numbered but the) were not successful in preventing the fresnmen from making an effective escape. About thirty sophomores went to Williamsport the next day, but nothing of real consequence oc curred. - , The banquet committee consisted of E. Steidle. chairman; C. M. W. T. DUNN THE STATE COLLEGIAN them that is similar to :rs—so comparison is out c f place. They' stand alone. Though popular priced they" are far in advance those that col-t you double. The difference lies in the fact that the International Tailoring Co., cf New York and Chicago have different methods and are able to render service f' the highest order at a „Price that none can imitate. N‹ NC NC NC NC NC L. D. MATTER, AG-ENT H. A. EVEY ...__ IL, i very CAB WORK A SPECIALTY Both 'Phones "MOTHER" DUNN'S GRUB AT McALLISTER HALL Three Dollars a week And worth it all ROOM No. 566 MAIN W. D. CUSTARD NALL PAPER, ROOM MOULDING PAINTING AND PAPERING STATE COLLEGE F. B.= SCOTT