State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, February 13, 1908, Image 4

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Basketball. Delaware College vs
State, at Newark, Del.
7:30 P. M. Wyoming Seminary
club. 241 McAllister
Basketball. U. of P. vs. State, at
7:00 P. M. Mechanical Engineer
ing Society. Room 20, Eng.
Basketball. Swarthmore vs. State,
at Swarthmore.
11:00 A. M. Chapel. Mr. E. C
Mercer, of New York City,
will speak.
1:30 P. M. Mission Study Classes.
6:15 P. M. Y. M. C. A. 529
7:00 P. M. Agricultural Society,
Assembly Room, Agri. Bldg.
Basketball. Geo. Washington Univ.
vs. State, Armory.
6:30 P. M. Forestry Seminar,
Forestry Bldg.
7:00 P. M. E. E. Society. Room
20 Eng. Building.
Alumni Activities.
The Pennsylvania State College
Association of New York will hold
its midwinter banquet at the Gradu
ates Club, 11 East 44th street, on
Saturday, February 29. Among
the guests will be President-elect
Dr. E. E. Sparks and President
pro tern. Gen. James A. Beaver,
and other members of the faculty.
The banquet proper, which will
be held at 7,30, will be preceded by
business meeting beginning at 0.30.
All former students and members of
the instructing staff of the college are
urged to be present. Notices of in
tention to attend the banquet should
be sent to Mr. Paul M. Rainey, 672
Union Ave., Bronx,New York City,
the treasurer of the banquet com
mittee. Dinner will be served at
$2.50 per plate.
On the evening of February
28th, the Penna. State College As
sociation of Eastern Penna. will give
a dinner in honor of Di. E. E.
Sparks, President-Elect of the Col
lege, and General James A.
Beaver, President of the Board of
Trustees, at the University Club,
1510 Walnut St., Philadelphia, and
all alumni and former students lo
cated in or about Philadelphia are
invited to be present.
The Pitttsburgh Alumni Assication
will give a dinner at the University
Club, Pittsburgh, on Thursday even
ing, Feb. 27. Dr. Sparks and Gen.
Beater expect to be present. All
alumni and former students are cor
dially invited. There are fully 200
State men in this vicinity and an ef
fort is being made to throughly or
ganize them. When this is acorn
plished State will have the strongest
alumni associarion in Pittsburgh.
The alumni resident in Chicago
and vicinity are planning a dinner
for Dr. Sparks to be given some
evening during March.
' An unusual opportunity will be
presented to the college community
on Thursday evening when Mr. J.
Horace McFarland, president of the
American Civic Federation, will lec
ture in the Auditorium on "Com
mon Trees and Their Uncommon
Flowers." Mr. McFarland has long
been working for "a better and
more beautiful America" and in this
connection has collected a large num
ber of especial:y fine lantern slides,
many of wnich he will use in this
lecture. No admission will be
charged and everyone should take
advantage of the opportunity.
Baseball practice has been re
sumed at Cornell. The team will
start on the southern trip on March
The postoffice authorities will
probably be overburdened with work
by the numerous patrons of St.
Valentine at Stare.
Edward Rahm, Jr., ex 'OB, was
married on Feb. 1 to Miss Marie
Virginia Miller of Pittsburgh. They
will reside at 705 Chislett street,
At its last meeting the Debating
Club elected the following officers:
A. A. Borland, 'O9, president; M.
Smith, 'll, vice-president; L. M.
Fisher, 'lO, secretary; W. 0. Kant
n3r, 'lO, treasurer.
Professor Wood contributed to
Engineering News of Jan. 16 an
article on "Cold Drawn and Cold
Rolled Steel Bars" containing the
results of his investigations made
primarily to determine to what depth
compression of the metal occurs in
cold drawn steel. He shows that
the effect extends to the center for
common commercial bars and that
the elastic limit is raised about 100
per cent by the drawing action on
the metal. Prof. Wood has also
written for Ice and Refrigeration an
article entitled: "A Problem in
Refrigeration and its Solution."
M. E. Society Smoker.
Good use was made of the new
social parlor in the Engineering
Building by the senior, junior and
sophomore mechanicals on Satur
day evening last. The admission
of the sophomores into the Mechan
ical Engineering Society was made
the occasion of an informal smoker
and "feed" by the upper classmen,
at which the faculty of the mechan
ical department were present, as well
as Dean Jackson. The new mem
bers were welcomed into the society
by Thompson and Hey . for the
seniors and juniors respectively and
the response was made by
Ogilvie for the sophomores. Mem
bers of the faculty brought out
numerous matters of interest in