STATE COLLEGE NOTES Dr. Frear, Prof. McDowell and Prof. Mairs are away on institute work. Prof. Van Norman will he our representative at the state grange. Prof. Agee is attending a teachers meeting in the western part of the state. The Woman's Literary Club will meet next Tuesday evening at tne home of Mrs. G. G. Pond. Miss Margaret B. MacDonald has taken up her duties as assistant Professor of Agricultural Chemistry. The offices of the School of Agriculture and Experiment Station are uow located in the new building. A Tribute to General Beaver. At a recent meeting of the Junior class it was unamiously voted to dedicate the 1909 La Vie to General James A. Beaver, This act is a tribute to the character of the man, a token:of the love and esteem which every State man holds for him. A life spent in unselfish labor for others is not unappeciated. The class also decided that in view of the usual crowded condition of the Armory at the Junior Assembly to be given in June, invitations will be issued this year only to members of the two upper classes and to alumni. Junior Agriculturists. Several of the Agricultural juniors made their annual trip to the In ternational Stock Show in Chicago last week. Those who constituted the party were W. H. Morgan, E. K. Hibshman, W. E. Gross, 0. C. Bowes, P. I Wrigley, H. A. Moore, and Professor Tomhave under whose direction the trip was made. During the week a convention took place in Chicago at which four hundred students attending the show were present. The whole trip was reported to be a very pleasant and profitable one. THE STATE COLLEGIAN It makes no difference (lilt doesn't make any difference if yoU're told otherwise ; it doesn't make any difference if you think otherwise now—the only clothes for the man who wants to dress well, and is careful of his money, are the Mont gomery & Co. clothes. Men's furnishing goods. College Pennants. Merchant tailoring. Particular attention given to evening dress clothes. The Park Hotel Williamsport, Pa. Headquarters for all "State" teamsc—%Located opposite the P. R. R. station Free bus to P. & R. R. R. station. Rates $2.50 per day and up ward D. KAVANAUGH, Manager Montgomery & Company Bellefonte Both 'Phones Gladstone Taylor, college representa I. C. HO O L,MIES Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits STATE COLLEGE, PA. F. F. Blair & Co Jewelers and Opticians Corner Brockerhoff House Repairing a specialty All work guarant THE MALLORY STUDII PHOTOGRAPHY BELLEFONTE PENN Specially of Oval Portrait Franz M, Ferguson, 'O9, agent, Kappa Sigma J. GEORGE STOLL Student agent for Writing Paper, Shir Corduroys and Pennants Room 341 MoALLISTER HALF Kindly mention the State I legian when calling upon advertisers. V IV °I