Football of the Week. Most of the big teams had shat were to be practice games last week but which proved as a general thing to be hard fought contests. The cause of the low scores is sometimes attributed to the new rules and open playing but a great 'factor which cannot be forgotten is that a square deal is forthcoming under the rules committee. A minor college is now as much to the officials as one of the "Big Four." Penn was favored with luck in securing two touchdowns against Brown. The Providence boys seemed shy and their slowness in getting off plays was very evide . nt. Penn plays a very formidable game and needs to be watched. With Hauser and Mt. Pleasant out of the game Carlisle succeeded in defeating Bucknell 15 to 0 By a good defense the Army suc ceeded in holding Yale to a 0-0 game while the Navy by equally good work allo ed Harvard but a single touchdown. W. and I's team, accompanied by over 300 students, hoped to surprise Princeton but received a severe defeat by the one-sided score of 40 to 0. Ursinus defeated Dickinson for the first time in many years by 16 to 0. The Carlisle boys proved weak in many xespects but expect to give State a hard game on Nov. 2. The Mechanical Feed This time it was the Mechanicals, the time being Thursday evening of last week, the place, Nittanv Inn, and the results, the disappearance of considerable quantities of e6ibles. Forty-seven were present, including eighteen seniors, in whose honor the banquet was given, twenty-three juniors, ana the members of the in structing force of the departm-ent. The toasts were as foil )ws Toastmaster, F. F Simon; M. E Society, D. F. Evans; Mech THE STATE COLLEGIAN State College Supply Co Agents for Spalding Athletic Goods Douglas and Walk Over Shoes g,. L. Graham. Manager W..D. CUSTARD JVALL PAPER, ROOM MOULDING PAINTING AND PAPERING STATE COLLEGE H. A. EVEY -46.,__L,ivery CAB WORK A SPECIALTY Both 'Phones tiIELLRFONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD Time Table Ii elrrct 111 a y 21. I PO5. ll 111 No 5 hta dons am 6 30 6 33 IRS 38 10 43 ET — ---- Kr li_lte ...Colevllle.. ... Stevens .. Lime Centre. II miler, Park . .111 'mote_ . —11,1,1,11 y ... ...IVaddles It rn 10 15 10 20 110 23 PlO 27 16 46 f 6 50 to 55 7 00, t 7 12 110 30 flO •14 HO 40 10 45 flO 57 3 :1 3 26 ':i 32 3 35 3 50 State tio I I ege . Strubles.,. ,Bloonisdort.. Pine Or. Mills COMM DE=; re Co, rite with train east and west r ti Trains o nee, at B. R. R. for p ENTItA I. RA I LRAM l'lo , l N . A. Con '' devised Time Table effect! ve June 17. 'O7 Read down Read up No„I N 0.5 N 0.3 StationsNo 6 N 0.4 No.: a.m. p nc. p.lll. Lve. Ar. p.m. p.m. it.rn +7 65 16 55 12 20 ..I(ellelonte.. 11 40 503 1) 4( 7 15 7 06 2 32 ... .... 1) 27 4 52 9 27 720 f 7 11 237 ... -Mon ... 1021 447 921 727 7 18 2 15 ..11ecla Park.. 0 15 441 9 If 720 247 -ft/ankles . 913 4 3'4 912 7 133 f 7 23 2 51 .11ublersburg . . 01) 09 4 :14 9 Of 7 37 7 28 2 55 flinydertown . I 0 06 .0211 9 Of 7401730 2 58 . Nltluuy.. 10 01 427 9 0:: 7 421f7 33 01 ....11uston (1) 02 4249 OC 7 4. , 738 05 ... Lomax .... 18 50 4 21 8 57 74807 40 08 ..Olintondale.. 513 4188 54 7 521 744 1 . 1 fiCrblersSidrg . 852 4 14 85] 75617 49 16 .M 2L(' IC ey Ville. £8 48 I(98 40 8 021 731 22 WedarSprings 841403 8 40 805 757 25 ... Sal(ma .. 8 40, 401 8 31) 8 10: 802 30 ...Allll 11811_ 38 35113 stl 18 30 (N te 11 k I? It) 11 40 853 .. -Jersey Shore 3 09 1 752 12 15 930 Ar. I Willlstmsf Lve 235 1 . 7 20 4 . 12 29 11 30 I,ve port, ( Ar. 230 650 Whi/a. d 1 heading) 730 650 I'lllllWe' ph la 18 36 11 30 10 10 855 New York (via Philit) 9CO p. ui. IL 111 Ar. a. m. p. +Week days. W. H EPH A RT. II eti'l Sept Graham's Barber Shop on the corner. Travelers say it's the best in Central Penn sylvania. Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos Daily Pittsburg and Philadelphia Papers Your patronage solicited FOR QUICK LUNCH Confectionery, Soda Water and Ice Cream go to Harrison's Rstaurant Oysters in sense!? The First National Bank Capital $lOO,OOO p 12 50 12 50 1 112 271 fl 2 am 450. 8 40 18 :17 IS 35 pm 6 30 0 10 6 01 0 03 NITTANY LIGHT 86 POWER CO. STATE COLLEGE. fl 2 21 'l2 18 112 14 12 10 fll 57 IN 31 18 28 Is 21 828 f 8 01 0 00 5 55 5 50 5 4E 527 HOTEL LIVERY C. D. CASEBEER Jeweler and Optician All kind, Of repair work promptly done Eyes eNamlned free Private optical parlor BELLEFONTE PENNSYLVANIA BUSH HOUSE Hate per day S 2 50 With bath $3 per day -W. L. D GGE vr Elle centre lountg 23ctnk 23ellefonte BELLEFONTE Surplus $lOO,OOO FIRST CLASS ACCOMODATIONS Commercial Telephone BELLEFONTE PENNA