Smith's New Studio Eastman Kodak Supplies rommoasowmaßssmamezot? Style Quality Price 0 4 m o ro t y 0 Are three things most es sential in the selection of your printed stationery ITT Our printing has a command ing style—one of its own—and it satisfies the most exacting customer Our prices, too, are just right—and that's an important item We carry in stock the famous Eaton-Hurl but writing papers The Nittany Printing and Publishing Company -7 t g Ni State Coll2ge PM t%am,,,?,m:-Ezz.g..e..asiasoaeckelsa ull Weight ull Measure ull Count I A triple of reasons why you should buy your DRY GOODS GROCERIES AND NOTIONS from L. D. PVIE, e . Bellefonte Trust Company Capital $125,000 T. L. Spangler, Pres. John P. Harris, Trs Loss A. Hickok, Vice Pres Isaac Mitchell, Asst. Treas. and See. At State College, which is nearing completion, will unquestionably be one of the best fitted galleries for high class photographic work in Cen tral Pennsylvania. The large and commodious skylight room will com fortably accommodate a group of 60 people, and is so arranged that any light known to the photographic trade can be made. An electric light of 4,000 candle power will enable pictures to be made at night equal to any daylight work. An enlarging apparatus for making all sized enlargements from small pictures, plates and films. rhe entrance being on a level with street saves all stair climbing and affords a fine display window. In connection with this we wish to say to all owners of cameras, kodaks, etc., that we are ex clusive agents at State College for Eastman Kodaks, Cameras, Films, Plates, Papers, Mounts, Chemicals, and all other photographic goods. 'I o anyone interested we wish to say that we can furnish you Cameras or Kodaks as cheap as you' can buy them anywhere, and would respectfully solicit a trial order. We shall be pleased to correspond with you or meet you in our new quarters. We expect to run on schedule time by October 1, 1907. Watch this space. 17-4, ' soQ . Q git Drugs, Medicines, Fine line of Toile/ Articles, Stationery Students' - Supplies College Avenue amilimmosimpswassis The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. Everything in Hardware instributors for the PENINSULAR PAINT and VARNISH CO'S complete line ASPHALT ROOFINGS our specialty BELLEFONTE, PA. Trunks Traveling Eags HARRY W. SAUERS CLOTHIER —:PRESSING AND CLEANING;— Stale College Pennsyivanla HARVEY BROS, Bakers and Confectioners Fine Bread, Rolls and Cake Stacy, Lowney and Fuller-Greene Chocolates Ice Cream in Seasonable Flavors :; GIVE US A CALL :: Prices are right Nittany Inn Building PEARCE BROSI Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Wooden, Willow and Qneensware v HOTEL BLOCK GEORGE B. JACKSON CIGARS. TOBACCO AND FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A Full Line of Smokers' Fancy Articles. ALLEN ST.. STATE COLLEGE, PA.