State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, September 26, 1907, Image 4

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    State 27—Altoona 0.
State opened her football season by
defeating the crack Altoona Athletic
Association eleven on Saturday in
a clean, snappy game. Although the
hard rain during the second half
put the field in bad shape, great inter
est was manifested at all times The
game was closely watched by the
coaches and many substitutions were
made to try out the new men. The
Altoona team war fully as heavy as
0..1r5, but they lacked team work and
State's goal was in no danger at any
time during the game.
Altoona kicked off to McCleary
who ran the ball back CO midfie:d
and on a forward pass and a short
kick by "Bull," Burns scored the
first touchdown within a minute aftei
the whistle blew. Flom that time
on it was little more than a practice
game for State in which the forward
pass and other tricks were frequent
ly used.
In the second half the rain put the
field in such bad shape that line
plunges and kicks were frequent y
resorted to. Haverstick kicked a
beautiful field goal from the 40
yard mark.
In the evening the teams were the
guests of the "Miss Bob White"
company at the Altoona theatre.
Tne line-up :
Touchdown— Burns. McCleary 2, Hirshman.
Goals from touchdowns, Hirshman 3 Goal from
field, Havers; ck. Urn; ire, Dr Rdpison, State.
Referee, Dr. M. M. Stai er, Lehig.i. Head Imes
man, Dr. Howell, U of P. Time of halves, 20 and
18 minutes. Substitutions - Srr ith for Ritchey,
Weaver for Hand, Bailey for Cyphers, Abel for
Burns, Barnett for Coulson, Zink for Hirihman,
McMahon for Zink, Haverstick for Vorhis, Cocl,
ran for Crilley. Tomlinson for Weller, Frazier
for Holmberg,Case for Holland,Kunkle for Heaton.
Football Prospects.
State nas already had her first
football game, and from all appear
ances everything points to a very
successful season for Captain "Bob
bie" Burns and his sturdy followers.
Over forty candidates are working
hard daily on Beaver field to make
a team that will try to excel our
last 3 ear's enviable record. Of the
old veterans, there still remain Mc-
Cleary, Coulson, Hirshman, and
Vorhis in the backfield, Burns, Max
well and Campbell at end, and
Kunkle and Cyphers at guard The
loss of Dunn at center, Wray and
Gotwals at tackle, and Henry at
quarter is a handicap which will be
sorely felt by the team. "Mother"
Dunn's place will be the haraest to
fill. It will be no easy task for the
coaches to find a worthy successor
to our All American center, although
Grey and Weaver are promising
candidates. For the tackles there
are 5.....:ith, a brother of the famous
Andy Smith, of Mercersburg,
Bailey, Ritchey, and Hand. Abel
and Ayers ate showing up well at
end, while Zink, McMahon, Bar
nett, and Jones are doing good work
in the backfield. Haverstick, of
baseball fame, is showing up strong
at quarter and distinguished himself
in Saturday's game by his drop
In the line of coaches we have the
best to be had. "Tom" Fennell,
one of the best on the gl idiron, is
doing excellent work in drilling the
men in preparation for the Indian
game on Oct. 5. We are certainly
to be congratulated on having such
a man as coach. "Pop" Golden is
showing his usual skill in keeping
the men in physical trim. "Mother"
Dunn is spending considerable time
on the field. "Varsity" Bair, the
sear end of Capt. Yeck'ey's team,
is a new one on the list and can be
depended upon to have an excellent
set of ends. "Lefty" Mcilveen will
soon be here to do the coaching in
punting and running back kicks.
The material is on the field for a
good team, and the coaches will
surely do their part. What is re
quired is the earnest co-operation of
the student body. Let us all get
out and show the team that we ale
backing them and backing them to
win. If good plays are made let
them know that we appreciate it,and
above all, don't knock.
The Department of Home Economics.
The new course in Home Eco
nomics has indeed had a promising
start. Ten students have so far
chosen the training offered here and
have begun work under the instruc
tion of Miss '2.arah Lovejoy and Miss
Louise Waugh. Miss Lovejoy,
Dean of the department, is a gradu
ate of Mount Holyoke and the Girls
School of Farmington, Connecticut.
Miss Waugh comes here as a gradu
ate of Columbia and The Agricul
tural College of Michigan.
To provide suituable facilities for
this work an addition on the rear of
the Ladies Cottage is to be ere.-ted.
As temporary quarters a room in
the basement of "Old Main" has
been equipped with modern stoves
eto., and will soon be ready for use
Student agent for Writing Paper, Shirts,
Corduroys and Pennants
Room 341
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M. Ferguson, 'O9, agent, Kappa Sienna
The First
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Capital $lOO,OOO
F. P. Blair & Co.
Jewelers and Opticians
Repairing a specialty All work guaranteed
Surplus $100,009