State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, June 08, 1907, Image 14

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    er has. a. finer group of men been
gathered on any college team
than "Mother" Dunn, Gotwa's.
Kunkle, Wray, Cyphers, lit ms,
Campbell, Maxwell, Henry, Vol I is,
McCleAry, Hirshman, Zink, C
s•)n L'artridge,and McWilliams —ant
we are p - cud of ..very man ! Fin
ally, Walter t amp seltcted Captain
Dunn as merican center, this
being the first honor of Erie sort our
college has evi r been
. accorded.
And we all kn. , w full well .how
"Mother" deserv,:s this pla e!
Basketbd i 1
With Captain Wah practically
the only Varsity veteran li college
the developing of a winiii i. basket-
Ball team tor this year se .. t d an
i npossiiiility. By dint of sit ady,
tireless worx month after m)1 th,
amid many discouragements, our
Varsity five dosed their season with
a thrilling vic•oi y over Swarthmore's
confident veterans. Such teams as
Juniata, Wyoming, Williamsport,
Lebanon Valley, and New York
University were easily conquered,
and stubborn struggles were made in
each of the half dozen difficult
games on the Eastern trip, which
proved too long and hard for our
new team. Tne ability, pluck, and
spirit displayed by every member of
this year's Varsity squad promises
well for next season. Captain
Waha developed an excellent five
out of wholly new material, and
every State man is proud of the
work done in basketball for the sea
son of 1906-'O7.
Track Team
Our Track team this year led by
Captain Henry has accomplished
much, especially under the condi
tion of weather. At Carlisle Dick
inson was beaten 92 to 12, a most
decisive victory over our rivals,
while a hard fought dual meet was
lost to the Carlisle Indians, whose
team is especially fast this year.
Then came a victory over Lafay-
ette's crack team by a score of 56
to 48 on Beaver fi ld. This is the
first time that State has ever lowered
Lafayette's c }:c is on the track. TI e
record fo: she h miner throw has
been lowered l - y "Mother" Dunn,
while Strayer has -lone the same in
the po.e vault. Its a who'e our 'O7
I rack team is a splendid con.bina
tik n
Commencement Program
The mual order of exercises will
be followed in the program for next
Wednesda •. The orations by the
graduates ar c.s follows:
Geology and H.. loi y, Lloyd Beecher
• Smith.
The Cause of Pe .Le, James Blair
American and the Sixt t Command
ment, Nobel t Park Graiibm.
Tne Pan-American Spirit, Calvin
Johnson Adams.
The Leadership of Educated' Mem,
John Piper Smith.
The Commencement address will
be "Education for Power" by Dr.
Merrill E. Gates, of Washington,
D. C.
The Thespians
the presentation of "The Brixton
Burglary" by the Thespians next
Tuesday evening will probably be
among the best productions of this
famous organization. They are re
hearsing frequently under the di
rection of Mrs. Hurley, of Buffalo,
and will no doubt give even a better
performance than that of last Easter.
The officers for the next college
year are: R. B. Meckley, president;
G. B: Hastings, 'vice president; -- F.
W. Heckel, secretary; Prof. Higley,
treasurer; W. A. Laird, manager;
W. Sudduth, assistant manager.
The Senior class decided at a
recent meeting to devote the surplus
La Vie fund t 9 the improvement of
our hospital. This commendable
action night well be folowed -by
other classes and organizations.
Schools of
The following i rofessional schools in Har
vard University are open to 'holders of a
bachelor's degree.
Law School
A three years' course leads to the degree of
LL. 13 Residence for three years - is required.
but reFiduice at another three year' school
may be accepted as a sub.,titute for ,ne of
the years of r••sidence at this school.
Three annual examinations are required.
Inquiries may be addresred to H. A.
Medical Schobl
A four years' course leads to the M. D.
deg ee. The School cffers graduate courses
open to holders of the M. D. degree, and
in its new lab iratories off rs greatly ex
tended facilities for research. For cata
logues, for graduate• and summer courses,
for research and special courses, address
Divinity School.
This is an undenominational school of the
ology of fering instruction leading to the
degree of Bachelor. of Di , ,inity. Inquiries
may be addressed. to R. S. MORRISON. 5
Graduate School
of Arts and Sciences
Instruction •is offered leading to the
master's and doctor's degrees in the follow
ing fields: Philology (Ancient and Modern
Languages and Literature), History, Po
litical Science. Economics. Philosophy,
Education and Fine Arts, Music, Math
ematics, Physics. Chemistry, Biology, Ge
ology, and Anthropology. Inquiries may
be addressed to G. W. ROBINSON, 11
Graduate School
of .Applied Science
Ilistructioti leading to ptofestional degrees
is offered in the following subjects : Civil,
Mechanical and Eletrical Engineering,
Mining, Metallurg, Architecture, Land
scape Architecture, Forestry, Applied
Physics, Applied Chemistry, Applied
Zoology, and Applied Geology. Inquiries
may be addressed to W. C. SABINE, 17