Graham's Barber Shop on the corner. Travelers say it's the best in Central Penn sylvania. Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos Daily Pittsburg and Philadelphia Papers Your patronage solicited THE MALLORY STUDIO Fine Photographic / Work , Bellefonte, Pa. H. J. Dick 'O7, Agent, 229 McAllister or K 2, House Orders taken for all kinds of ENGRAVING and SPECIAL DIE WORK at THE "TIMES" OFFICE I. C. HOL-JVILES Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits STATE COLLEGE, PA. W. D. CUSTARD WALL PAPER, ROOM MOULDING PAINTING AND PAPERING STATE COLLEGE SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS Tennis Balls Tennis Rackets Tennis Nets Everything in Tennis and Base Ball Goods Douglas and Walk-Over Shoes IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES Complete Line of Gents' Furnishings State College Supply Co. General Merchandise. HIGH GRADE COLLEGE GOODS The Palace Restaurant Shell and Tub Oysters Sandwiches, Soups and Pies always on hand. J. C. SHEFFLER, Proprietor. C. D. CASEBEER Jeweler and Optician All Kinds of Repair Work Neatly and Promptly Done. BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Successor to F. C. Richard's Sons. Pennants, Class, Hats, Caps, Pins and Fobs =: Banners and Medals := N. P. McCa lum, Alt HARDWARE Good Goods - Lowest Prices Honest Inspection and Fair Judgment is all I ask.... .. JOHN I. OLEWINE BELLEFONTE. PA. THE CENTRE COUNTY BANK Et IL L. EF-CoNTE Armory