(2). It can be said with perfect sincerity that the work of the Asso ciation in all of its departmc n.s is now so firmly established that the days of organization are past and the days of perfecting and of growth are present. (3). The matter of rooms has already been dealt with, and it can only be - added that until suitable quarters are provided, the growth of the Association will be laborious and comparatively slow, instead of steady and irresistible as it should be. “State” is growing: the Chris tian Association cannot afford to stand'still. ALUMNI. : “Joe” Shed’o6 is now at Buffalo. His engagement to Miss Williams of Southboro, Mass, has recently been announced, Coach Forkum of West Virginia, ah ex-State athlete, has resigned to become assistant superintendent or a blast furnace at McKeesport. J. J. Kaiser ’O6 has left the Link Belt Co., Philadelphia, to accept a position with the Lehigh and Wilkes- Barre Coal Co. at Wilkes-Barre. Fred Houston, ex-’O7, of Beaver, and F, L. Pearce, of Neganee, Mich., have left for Argentine Re public where they will superintend the erection of a new smelting plant for the Capillitis Copper Co., of London, England. Mr. Houston is a graduate of the Michigan School of Mines. NOTICE ! IHE STATE COLLEGIAN House of Kuppenheimer Chicago The Baltimore Hectical College. Preliminary Fall Course begins September 2. Regular Winter Course begins Sepembkr 20. Liberal Teaching Facilities ; Modern College Buildings ; Comfortable Lecture Flail and Amphitheaters; Large and completely Equipped Laboratories ; Capacious Hos pitals and I.lspensary ; Lying-in Depai tment for Teaching Clinical Obstetrics; Large Clinics. Send for Catalogue and address DAVII) STHEETT. M. D-. Dean. The CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION handles only reliable goods made by reliable makers. When you buy merchandise bearing the trade mark of a reputable manufacturer through a reliable dealer, you have a double guarantee of honest value. The just as good brands are sold by all dealers who are after a larger margin of profit. Our line comprises the following: Stern's clothing (made ‘to measure), Regal shoes. Faultless shirts, Arrow collars, Keiser neckwear, Onyx hosiery, B. V. D. underwear, C. & K. hats.Fownes gloves, Fault less pajamas, Eaton Hurlburt box paper, Blair’s tablets, Elliott’s die stamping, K. & T. blank books, Waterman fountain pens, W. C. Kern’s college goods. All of which are reputed to be the best on the market, Spring of 1907 CX> O 00 ft) ° 3. 2E Er S 513 ~ 3 o 5’ MONTGOMERY & CO. Eell phone BELLEFONTE Commercial sc pa T—f“ C/3 j? 3 “S s B. ss *o t 3 n> n>_ =r cs S. 3 s? s: 3 pa C/5 *-+■ C/5