Messrs. .Cooper of New York, H. T. Williams of Harrisburg, McNulty of the. Episcopal. Missionary Board, Rev. G. M. Whitenack of State College During the spring months we .are.expecting visits from Dr. W. Quay Rosselle of Williamsport, and Mr.„G. G. Mahy of Scrantoi. The statistics of the meetings are as fallows Sunday Tuesday Sped; 1 Total no. meetings 26 24 11 Total Attendance 5872 910 1010 Average Attendance 229 38 92 MISSION STUDY. The advance the Mission Study Aftjejj What? Tjmefor tie young college man to decide what line ,of w.9rk,.tp n take .up. , Employers Are already taking their pick of 1907 grauates. 'You can’t afford to delay, if you intend to be gin work in the early summer or fall. "The College} Man’s Op] o-tunity” tells what we have done aßd aredoingfor college men—what we cap do for you if’you intend to enter busi ness, Inching or technical work. Write for it to-day. Offices in 12 cities. HantfAtule the National Organizati on of Brain Broken, Commonwealth Trust build ng, PhOadelohia, O.fice: in 12 cities U ■ Engraving of Visiting Cards, - Invitations, Menus, Dance Programs, Writing Paper STOLL 584 Main * "j— ~ '** **■ * Knisely Bros. Billiard Parlor and Bowling. Alley *■; i - Cigars and Tobacco HOTEL BUILDING . Watch this space for announcements THE STATE COLLEGIAN department has been remarkable. More than five times as many men are studying in the classes as in last year’s classes. The classes have been as follows : ‘ ‘The Healing of the Nations” (on medical missions), ‘‘Social Evils of the Non-Christian World,” Mode n Apostles of Mis sionary Byways” (a biographical course), “Protestant Missions in South America,” “The Call of the Homeland” (on problems in our own country). The leaders have been students. The classes have been run in two terms, the first from Nov. to Feb., the second from Feb. to May. This plan gives the men a chance to take up the work of two of the courses. The statistics are: Number of classes Total enrollment 147 Number of different men enrolled in two The committee expects to raise about $lOO.OO before the close of the college year, this sum going toward the support of Mr. Harvey, Tien Tsin, China. There are now eight student volun teers in college, of which number four have made this decision since our last report. BIBLE STUDY The group plan has been used for the third consecutive year and small groups arranged according to natural grouping and studying under student leaders, who in turn are coached by experienced men. The leaders have been coached this year by Profes sors Runkle,, Foster and Rev. Mr. Whitenack, of the Presby terian church. The courses have been: Seniors, “Old Testament Characters,” prepared and taught by Prof. Willard; Juniors, “The Teachings of Jesus and the Apos tles,” by Dr. Bosworth; Sopho mores, “The Life of Paul,” by Prof. Leacock; Freshmen, “The Life of Jesus” by Murray; Frater nities, “Social Significance of Jesus’ ‘•Teachings,” by Dr. Jenks. ALL READY To sorve you with a Quick Lunch. Oysters In every style. Soups, Pies, (':ikcs, Baked Beans, Sandwiches and Hot Drinks. Also a choice tine of Conrectinncry constantly on hand. Soda AVater and Sundaes in all flavors and to suit all tastes, at the Old Drug Store Stand. Try us and be Convinced. C. F. Harrison, Prop’r Catering a Specialty, TRAVELING BAGS TRUNKS HARRY W. SAUERS HATTER & FURNISHER STATE COLLEGE. - PENN A, College Hardware Co. General Hardware. Tin Ware Spouting and Repairage State Co 11 ege H. GRIMM MERCHANT TAILOR STATE COLLEGE. PA. Thirty years’ experience in Tailoring. Samples or the finest Imported Goods always on hand. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. Flashlights, Views. Groups, Student Photography’ Sizes up to Bxlo Geo. D. Barbey ’OB 370 Main Something Entirely New . . INSURED HOSIERY,. Guaranteed for one year If worn out before, a new pair given in exchange. Lisle Goods First Class A. S. Sllverberg, 372 Maty.;.[.