COLLEGE ORBIT The intercollegiate hockey cham pionship was won by Princeton and the basketball championship by Yale. Students at Princeton are required to sign church attendance cards and leave them in the hands of an at tendant as they go out from the church services. Edinburg University recently conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws on Andrew Carnegie. Office Hours of Vice-President. Dr. Welsh has announced the fol lowing office hours. For students: —10-11 a. m., 3.30- 4.30 p. m. For instructors: —11-12 a. m., 4.30-5.30 p. m. In case of a conflict of college duties with these hours a special engagement may be made upon request. Baseball Practice Continues The baseball squad is showing de cided improvement under the coach ing of James Sebring who came last week to help develop a winning team. Practice is being held every afternoon in the Armory in the effort to have a good team ready for the initial game with Mercers burg which takes place in a few weeks. Parliamentary Law. The class in parliamentary law will meet in 384 Main from now on. CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Dealers in Students’ Supplies of Every Description HOTEL BLOCK THE STATE COLLEGIAN MONTGOMERY & CO. Great Clearance Sale of Clothing Consisting' of BELLEFONTE, JPA. Bell ’Phone Commercial ’Phone YEAGER & DJWI© SHOES THAT ARE RIGHT Bellefon te The Baltimore Hedical College. Freotminary Fact. Course iikgiks Sel*tkmbur 3. Winter Course begins Sepembur 30. Liberal Touching Facilities ; Modern College l?nildings ; Comfortable Lecture Hall and Amphitheaters; Large and Completely Equippo 1 Laboratories ; Capacious Hos pitals and dispensary ; Lying-in Department for Teaching Clinical Obstetrics; Large Clinics. Send for Catalogue and address DAVID S'IIiEETT, M. D.. Dean. Overcoats Suits Trousers Fancy Vests House Coats Bath Robes H. A. LEITZEL, Manager F* ci.