State 52 —Lebanon Valley 20. In the last regular game of the season State’s varsity five defeated Lebanon Valley in the Armory last Friday evening. At no time was the score close enough to make the game exciting, although the visitors several times received hearty ap plause for the manner in which they made long and successful throws. At the beginning of the game Lebanon Valley surprised our team by making several quick passes and putting the ball in the basket during the first two minutes of play. Then a foul was called on State and the ball successfully thrown, making the the score 3-0 in our opponents’ favor. State’s team then began to play real basketball, giving the Ann ville players a chance to score only once during the remainder of rhe half. Time was called with the score 24-5. Lebanon Valley gained courage during the intermission, for soon after the opening of the second half they threw three goals and a foul in succession. State was able to keep the ball more of the time, however, and held the lead during the re mainder of the game. Ticknor and Reed went in during the second half and did good work. Herman dis tinguished himself in throwing goals, putting the ball in the net nine times. When the referee’s whistle blew the score stood 52-20 in favor of State. With the exception of the inter class game, this is the last im portant game of the season. Cap tain Waha and his men have labored under difficulties, and although the season has not been a brilliant one, they have done good, consistent work of which we are proud. The last two games played on our own floor against fast teams have shown that our team has the skill and the spirit which win victories. LEBANON VALLEY 20 Knauss forward Appenzehler center. Carnes guard Guyer (Oldham) guard* Goals from field —Knauss 3, Wilder 2, Carnes 2, Guyer 2, Barnett 3, Ross 1, Waha 1, Herman 9, Du barry 3, Reed 3. Ticknor 4. Foul goals—Knauss 1, Wilder 1, Waha 2, Herman 9. T«me keepers— Maxwell and Harding, State. Time ot hal es—.o minutes. Referee—Wilber, of R .tt,ers. The committee appointed to draw up an amendment to the constitu tion of the athletic association to govern the expenditures not already provided for will submit the following at the next meeting of the associa tion: "Expenditures coming under the athletic association and not oth erwise provided for shall be referred for approval to a committee consist ing of the following men: treasurer of the athletic association, president of the athletic association, director of athletics, chairman of the ad visory committee, and the manager of the team representing the depart ment in which the expenditure arises. However, on the failure of any expenditure to meet the ap proval of this committee it can only be paid by a two-thirds vote of the athletic association.” Junior Electricals Entertained Professor and Mrs. Jackson enter tained the junior electricals at their home last Saturday night in a very pleasing manner. The time was principally taken up with playing cards and singing college songs. Dr. Gill read a few seleciions from the works of several well known authors, and sang a number of comic songs. The junior electrical orches tra furnished some catchy music as its share of the entertainment and "Bill” Child created the hit of the evening with his rag time coon songs. The men departed for their rooms at a very reasonable hour, each swearing allegiance to “Price.” The class in after-dinner speaking meets in Room 340° on Monday, March 4, at 7 p. m., Wednesday, March 13, at 7.30 p. m., Monday. March 18, at 7p. m. Meetings aft er Easter will be announced later. STATE 52 .. ..Herman .Ticknor, Ross Waha, (Capt).Reed . .. Barnett Dubarry, THE STATE COLLEGIAN Athletic Amendment. After Dinner Sneaking, COTRELL & LEONARD ALBANY, N. Y. Makers of CAPS, GOWNS AND HOODS to the American Colleges and Universities Costumes rented for special occasions Class contracts a specialty ALL READY To serve you with a Quick Lunch. Oysters in Svery style. Soups, IMes, Oakes, Baked Beans, .Sandwiches and Hot Prinks. Also a choice *line of Confectionery constantly on hand. Soda Water and Sundaes in all flavors and to suit all tastes, at the Old Drug Store Stand. Try us and be Convinced. C. F. Harrison, Prop’r Catering a Specialty. TRAVELING BAGS TRUNKS HARRY W. SAUERS HATTER & FURNISHER STATE COLLEGE, College Hardware Co. General Hardware, Tin Ware Spouting and Repairage State College H. GRIMM MERCHANT TAILOR STATE COLLEGE. PA. Thirty years’ experience in Tailoring. Samples of the finest Imported Goods always on hand. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. ■pj'ngraving of Visiting Cards, Invitations, Menus, Dance Programs, Writing Paper STOLL PENN A 584 Main