CAMPUS TALK. FROM A FRESHMAN’S NOTES. “Swamp’s experiment was strict ly to the bad. When the H N 0 ; , was thrown into the juice the whole blooming thing caught fire. P. S. This experiment should be cut out as it is liable to raise the fire insur ance rates.” Kap Alfalfa: —“Say, freshman, can you tell me why the Bellefonfe Central- is like a pipe organ ?” Eta Beta Pi: —“Yes, that’s easy — because it has so many stops.” Little notes from mother ; A pint of briny tears ; Make a puny freshman Prone to disappear. The fact that a student is eating “a la carte” does not necessarily imply that he is on the water wagon. PROBLEM If the engineering library contains thirty periodicals and two chairs, calculate the maximum efficiency of each periodical, and the number of chair-hours due each member of the student body. For any further information apply at the engineer ing building. Michigan has the largest law school in the country; Harvard, the largest academic school; Cornell, the largest technical school and Pennsylvania, the largest medical school. —Ex. CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Dealers in Students’ Supplies of Every Description HOTEL BLOCK ’I HE STATE COLLEGIAN MONTGOMERY & CO. Great Clearance Sale of Clothing Consisting of BELLEFONTE, JPA. Bell ’Phone Commercial 'Phone YEAGER & DAVIS SHOES THAT ARE RIGHT Bellefon te The Baltimore fledical College PRELIMINARY FALL COURSE BEGINS SEPTEMHER 2. Regular Winter Course begins Skpkmbur 20. Liberal Teaching Facilities : Modern College Buildings ; Comfortable Lecture Dali and Amphitheaters; Large and completely Equlppe l Laboratories ; Capacious Hos pitals and jJspcnsary ; Lying-in Depai tnient for Teaching Clinical Obstetrics; Largo Clinics. Send for Catalogue and address DAVID STB LETT. M. D. t Dean. Overcoats Suits Trousers Fancy Vests House Coats Bath Robes H. A. LEITZEL, Manager JF*c±.