COLLEGE NOTES. The boxing, fencing, and wrest ling classes organized last Saturday evening. It is the intention to give free instruction each week to those students who are interested in any or all of these sports. It was mentioned some time ago in these columns that the freshmen had not brought forward a photo graph as evidence of a successful picture scrap. Since that time one has appeared and the class of 1910 has been awarded the victory. The seniors took their annual sleigh-ride to Bellefonte last Friday evening. The pleasant weather made the trip an exceedingly pleas ant one. The continuous cold weather for the last few weeks has enabled the skaters to get in a few good strokes. The pond which was built last year has been in fairly good condition for those who enjov the sport. COLLEGE ORBIT. At the annual conference of New England colleges, the following questions were raised: Should a course of Greek for beginners be established ? Is hazing a thing to be repressed or extirpated ? What Thu Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia nonortmont nf Morlinino Carefully grafted course of four sessions of eight months UG|jQl llllulll Ul IvIuUIUIIIw each. Thoroughly practical instruction; Fice Quizzes; Limited Ward Classes; Clinical Confeiences : Particular attention to lnboruioiy wot U, ward work and bedside teaching. Largest and finest dim jal amphitheatre in the world. flanarimont fif rionfiofrif Offers superior advantages to students Abmulu ee of nm- Uu|JC!l lllluill Ul Ucllllolljf terial for practical work in the Cental Jnfirinaiy. College clinics present splendid opportunities lor practical study of general and oral snigery Rental students accorded same college privileges as medical students. Quizzing conducted by the Professors free of charge. flnnarfmoni nf Phormnnu an integral part of the institution. Address tlie Uu|J(ll llllulll Ul nidlllldbjf DeAnorLhe«]epa.i’lment, in which you are interested for an illustrated catalogue, describing courses in full and containing information as to fees, etc. W. T. DUNN THE STATE COLLEGIAN ; should be done in regard to fixing tuition charges ? What part should be allotted to the faculty in the gov ernment of the students ? Does the honor system regulate examination evils ? • ■ In his four years’ career in foot ball at Chicago, Eckersall has played in all the games but two, and has scored a total of 181 points —Ex. Yale has followed the lead of the western universities in removing from her baseball schedule all pre paratory schools. Until this year Andover and Exeter have been on the list of games. Cornell has abandoned the pro fessional head coach system in foot ball and adopted the graduate coach ing plan. Henry Schoellkopf, ’O2, and Morris Hallidav, ’O6, have been chosen as field coaches for next season, In the mad rush for education don’t forget that it is not our ac quirements,but our achievements that best prepare us for life. It is better to be a wriggling tad-pole in a little pond that an inert sponge at the bottom of the sea.—Ex. The 0. S. U. Lantern announces that there are 55 candidates for places on the teams that are to represent Ohio State in her debates with Indiana and Illinois. —Ex. “MOTHER” DUNN’S GRUB -- AT McAllister hall Three Dollars a Week S. E. KIMPORTj All Kinds Choice Meats Both 'Phones STATE COLLEGE C. B. SHEASLY Furniture and Carpets Picture Frames Made to Order NITTANY LIGHT & POWER GO. STATE COLLEGE. JOSEPH MARKLE STATE COLLEGE, PA. All Kinds of Choice Meats yu* THE MEAT MARKET, Old Postoffice PHce Special Inducements to Clubs. TELEPHONE. The First National Bank of State College Accounts Solicited Every Accomodation Extended Your Account Warrants BUSH HOUSE W. L. Daggett, Prop. Opposite Pennsylvania R. R. Station Bellefonte, Pa. F. B. SCOTT