June 8, University of Alabama, at State. June 12, Carlisle Indians, at Stare. Commencement game. Alton Packard. We hesitate in giving indiscrim inate praise to the entertainments in the Y. M. C. A. course this year, but the illustrated talk by Alton Packard in the Auditorium on Satur day evening surely deserves a word of appreciation. Mr. Packard was here two years ago, and practically all of those who heard him at that time were glad of the opportunity to .sten to him again. Consequently, when he stepped upon the platform the Auditorium was comfortably filled with a larger audience than has been seen at any Y. M. C. A. enter tainment this year. The talk, the subject of which was “Vanity Fair,” described amusingly many of the weaknesses of mankind. The most interesting feature, however, was the large number of crayon drawings that the speaker made as he talked, giving no intimation of what the cartoons would be until the very last stroke brought out the idea in tended by the artist. There were several excellent pictures of scenery as well as cartoons, and they proved to be very interesting and well ex ecuted. If Mr. Packard comes back next year he may be sure of a large audience. Notice. The 1907 edition of the La Vie is about exhausted. All students or others, who desire to secure a copy of the College Annual should pro cure one at once. There are less than two score of these books on hand and after these few are dis posed of it will be impossible to se cure a copy of this valuable book. Seniors who have not secured the'r second copy or who wish additional copies, are requested to obtain them at the earliest opportunity. La Vies at 402 McAllister Hall. THE STATE COLLEGIAN Thespians. The Thespian Dramatic Society will soon issue a call for candidates from the upper-classes for parts in the new play which it is intended to give this season. This new pro duction is to be a burlesque on one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays, and is somewhat of a departure from the plays usually given by this | A Quarter Off Sale! § ||| IMny Suit, Raincoat or Overcoat in the store 0 sb II Deduct one-fourth from the marked price kS Q TTGood selection to early comers Q M seasonable goods at one-fourth un- jpjj Ija der our usual low prices | SIH the CLOTHIER | Correct Dress for Men and Boys m BELLEFONTE, PA- g J. G. J. Stoll, representative jff society. A number of the m bers of the club are in College with the addition of a number other men who will try for positio: we feel sure that the production t year will be up to the standa: The play last year was very goc but the selection for this year v be more suited to the tastes of college audience, and will i doubtedly made a “big hit.”