State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, November 29, 1906, Image 5

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    Pennsylvania Day
Continued from page 1
and stated that such a course would
have been inaugurated here long ago
if the necessary funds had been pro
vided. He expressed the hope that
the next Legislature would make it
possible to start the course without
further delay.
State Senators Godcharles and
Hulings and General C. B. Dough
erty made unusually happy and ap
propriate impromptu speeches. The
latter commendei the Cadet Battal
ion for its fine work at Harrisburg,
and said that he was especially in
terested in it because the Cadet
Major had received his early train
ing under him in the Ninth Regi
An important feature of the oc
casion was the announcement by
President Beaver of the appointment
of Professor Hunt, of Cornell, as
Dean of the School of Agriculture
and Director of the Experiment
Following the morning exercises,
an informal luncheon was served in
McAllister Hall to over a hundred
guests of the college. At two
o'clock General Dougherty reviewed
the Cadet Battalion. He compli
mented Captain Hay and the Battal
ion very highly for the excellent
showing made in the review. The
victory of our football team over
West Virginia and the well attended
dance in the evening completed a
Very pleasant day for all concerned.
From the standpoint of the welfare
of the college, Pennsylvania Day
was a great success. Many of those
who will soon be called upon to de
cide measures affecting the institu
tion received a new insight into our
needs and the scope of the work,
while many letters of regret,
received from those who could not
be present, expressed sympathy
with the aims of the College and a
desire to assist in furthering them
whenever possible.
State 10---West Virginia 0
Continued from page 1
ly and B. Hutchinson fell on the
oval for West Virginia. On a de
layed pass Campbell threw Bayliss
for 2 yards loss, and Reynolds
failed to gain around Burns. Ernst
punted 35 yards, Henry back 12,
and West Virginia then got the ball
on a forward pass. Ernst gained 5
on a forward pass, but the ball went
to State because of offside play.
On a quick kick of 25 yards Rey
nolds secured the ball, and Ernst
gained 6 on a delayed pass ; then-a
fumble occurred and Campbell se
cured the pigskin. Hirshman
made 5 yards, Zink 5, Hirshman 8,
Wray 3, Zink 2, and then State was
penalized 15 yards for holding. On
a fake drop kick Burns made 15
yards, and then Henry's droic, kick
went to the line, Reynolds carrying
it back 20 yards. Hirshman gained
3, then West. Virginia was penalized
for holding. Ernst's punt went only
15 yards, after which Hirshman
gained 3, Zink 2, Hirshman 5, Zink
2, McCleary 4, Zink 3, and it was
West Virginia's ball on downs on
their own one yard line,—a great
stand !
Ernst's punt was almost blocked,
however, going only 12 yards, and
State was not to be stopped ; Hirsh
man plunged for 3 yards, McCleary
2. On West Virginia's 5 yard line
a fumble occurred, but with a beau
tiful plunge Campbell was on the ball,
and the score stood—State 5, West
Virginia 0. McCleary missed the
goal by only a few inches. Here
Coach Forkum substituted Kenna,
West Virginia's star punter and
drop-kicker, for Bayliss. Kenna
kicked off to Gotwals, who tore
back 20 yards. Henry one at right
end, Hirshman 2, and McCleary's
35 yard punt came back 5 yards by
way of Reynolds. Kenna gained 2,
Ernst 2, and Kenna punted 35,
Hirshman getting back 15. Then
Burns carried a forward pass 22
yards, Hirshman 6 more, a fumble
lost 2 yards, Zink I, and it was
West Virginia's ball. But when the
visitors attempted a forward pass
Reese secured the oval for State,
then McCleary gained 3, Henry 2,
and McCleary's 40 yard punt was
not carried back by Ernst, owing to
Gotwals' fine tackle.
West Virginia got the ball because
of Stat&s offside propensities and
Reynolds gained 5 yards on tackle
formation, but the visitors were here
penalized 15 yards for holding.
College Men
in Demand
Search for 1907 men who will be in the
market for positions next summer or fall
is already on. This year we ran short of
college men long before we had filled all
the positions that came to us for them.
Positions now open at each of our 12 offices
for 1906 College and Technical school grad
uates who are not permanently located.
Well known firms offer salaries $5OO-$lOOO
Write us today
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