.The Foot Ball Review. Satursiay was looked for -Nat-440* foot ball experts as the turning,point•nf the season. It was 4eld,:.tha,.%.the minor, preliminary contests-had been played, leaving the giants to battle among them selves, and that enough time had elapsed to, allow each team to, strike its real gait for the remainder of the., season., Judged from this .. standpoint, the results of Saturday's games are unusually interesting. Two of our three remaining op ponents were lined up against each other. W. U. P. easily vanquished WeSt Virginia by the score of 17-6. Although W. U. P. was guilty of a series pf costly . fumbles, and was heavily penalized, the Morgantown team ,could.not, stop, ,the scoring. The.easy victory of the Pittsburgers vias,all_the more remarkable because of the fact that many of their best men were saved for the W. and J. game next week, scrubs being played in their places. The feat ure of the game was the fine punt ing.of Kenna tor West Virginia. long since out of the cham pionship race, failed to score on Lafayette, adding another to her record of 0-0 scores, Several changes were made in Penns line-up, and her, team work showed some improvement,. but Lafayette held for downs each time her goal line was threatened. The result of this game has not increased Penn's hopes of a victory over Michigan next week. Harvard had hard work to get one touchdown from the Indians, and is also considered out of the championship race. Yale and Princeton will undoubt edly decide the Eastern champion pionship when they meet next Sat urday. Both teams won last week by small margins, Princeton 8, West Point ,O; ,Yale. 5, , Brown 0. As West Point is the only team both rivals have played, it is hard to THE STATE COLLEGIAN make a direct comparison of their strength, but the lines seem to be evenly matched, while Princeton has slightly better punting abilities in the back field. For this reason, barring fumbles or mistakes at crit ical times, the Tigers have. a good chance to gain the title of intercolle giate chathpions of the East for 1906. The Game of the Season Only two days now remain before our great game with Dickinson. If you haven't decided to go as yet, just get busy this very mo ment; decide to be a loyal State man, and fall into line with the greatest crowd that has ever gone down to see old Dickinson defeated. For we have the team, there's no mistaking that fact, and if we get the spirit, the Real State spirit, behind every man on our Varsity squad, then "Everybody Happy" will be the only possible way to describe our feelings this coming Saturday evening. Wake-up, and read this ! In the fall of 1902, State's eleven under Captain Cummings went all the way to Carlisle to do battle with one of the very best teams Dickinson ever turned out. Our student body that fall consisted of about 450 men. And how many of this number went to Carlisle with the team ? Remember, it was pouring rain, that day, and Carlisle is twice as far from here as Williamsport. In spite of these facts there were over 400 State men at the game that day. And they saw one of the most magnificent victories State has ever won from Dickinson, the final score standing 23 to 0. All Carlisle was dark and dreary for months to come ! This is the stuff of which Old State is made. What made such a victory possi ble ? Two things ;in the first place r the team ; and in the second place, the Spirit ! and the second element was just as big a factor as the first, don't forget that. Today we have almost 900 under grads here at State, and next ,Sat urday morning when that , special r of Parker's pulls out of our "Union Depot," we must have every man ,in College on that boat ! No excuses will go ; don't wait to say the -next day how sorry you were not to• be there, but hop on, and every -.State man in line, as our band, strikes up, "Here's to Old Penn State I" Here's hoping that State will be all there on Saturday. . , .. College Men in Demand Search for 1907 men who will be in the market for positions next summer or . fall is already on. This year we ran short of college men long before we had filled all the positions that came to us for them. Positions now open at each of our 12' offices for 1906 College and Technical schoolgrad uates who are not permanently located. Well known firms offer salaries $5OO-$lOOO Write us today Hapgoods, the National Organization of Brain Brokers, Commonwealth Trust build ing, Philadelphia, Pa, Offices in 12 cities Knisely Bros: Billiard Parlor and Bowling Alley Cigars!and Tobacco HOTEL BUILDING Watch this space for announcements H. A. EVEY First Class Rigs at all Times CAB WORK A SPECIALTY Both 'Phones