Berzelius Club Almost a hundred students and instructors formed the attentive audience of Dr. Marshall of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, last Friday evening. "The Rattlesnake" was the subject of the lecture, and the man ner in which the habits and pecu liarities of• this dreaded serpent were set forth made the remarks instruc tive as well as interesting. Many of the popular beliefs, such as the age of the snake being denoted by the number of rattles and the ability of the reptile to charm, were entirely discredited by the lecturer as were many ideas of antidotes, including the famous " whiskey remedy." The history of the chemical in vestigations of the venom of the rattlesnake was briefly outlined with a short description of the most im portant results obtained. Dr. Mar shall, in his efforts to enravel the toxic principle, has made a close study of the rattlesnake and its ven om, and has conducted a number of chemical investigations, the results of some of which are not yet entire ly understood. During the smoker, which immediately followed, those present were formally introduced to Dr. Marshall, who between puffs answered all questions in regard to the theme of the evening. The Berzelius Club is to be con ch ngratulated on its success in hav ing obtained Dr. Marshall for this occasion. Such addresses tend to increase the usefulness of the club and to make its proceedings more and more attractive to every mem ber. CO = OPERAT IV E ASSOCIATION Dealers in Students' Supplies of Every Description HOTEL BLOCK 'IHE STATE COLLEGIAN SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS Tennis Balls Everything in Tennis and Base Ball Goods DOUGLAS AND WALK-OVER SHOES In all the Latest Styles COMPLETE LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS Slate College Supply Co. General Merchandise. N 7 iN).A_G- - 1--4 --- IR_ &.- riA.-vi SHOES THAT ARE RIGHT J- - 111e-f(Di - i t € A Fresh Stock of Pse - t.r' and Nestle's Swiss Milk Chocolate always on hand 370 MAIN Tennis Rackets Tennis Nets GEO. B. JACKSON —FOR— CIGARS, TOBACCO AND FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A Full Lice of Smokers' Fancy Articles. ALLEN ST., STATE COLLEGE, PA H. A. LEITZELL, Manager GO TO