The Week With Our Opponents. Yale was not able to do as well as was expected with Holy Cross last Saturday, the score amounting to only 17 to 0. The Yale backfield frequently fumbled and was rarely able to advance the ball very much. The Holy Cross men forced their opponents to kick a great deal. The Navy played a plucky game against Princeton, allowing the latter to cross the line hut once. Several scores were prevented, however, by the Middies breaking up a trick for mation, and again by holding the Princeton line. The Annapolis men have been playing good foot ball this year, and from the healthy manner in which they have been go ing after their opponents it seems that they w ill give State a hard struggle on Nov 3. A great deal of interest centers in the game with W. U. P. on Thanks giving day. Each team has won one game of the two that have been played in Pittsburg so far. The Pittsburg men have been showing up very well, and running up large scores by making no changes in the line-up, even during the less impor portant games. A change in the coaching system, the disqualification of some of the strongest men, and the perfect harmony that has been obtained have done much to make the team somewhat different from what it was when State won the victory last year. V. L. Fitzimmous, 'O5, is em ployed by - the Fairbanks and Morse Co. at Chicago. CO = OPERAT I VIE ASSOCIATION Dealers in Students' Supplies of Every Description HOTEL BLOCK niE STATE COLLEGIAN SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS Tennis Balls Tennis Rackets Tennis Nets Everything in Tennis and Base Ball Goods DOUGLAS AND WALK-OVER SHOES In all the Latest Styles COMPLETE LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS State College Supply Co. General Merchandise. V - _E, A - E. I-;%.. - ) cK- JD 7\_ - V 1 --.-' SHOES THAT ARE RIGHT 1-11e-f•cDir - i t ' A Fresh Stock of Peter's and Nestle's Swiss Milk Chocolate always on hand 370 MAIN GO TO GEO. B. JACKSON _1 , 01?- CIGARS. TOBACCO AND FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A Full Line of Smokers' Fancy Articles. ALLEN ST., STATE COLLEGE, PA H. A. LEITZELL, Manager IL - ., 1.