important work that is being carried on here. With the information thus disseminated, it is hoped that the name of State may be given a prominence in places where it has hitherto been practically unknown. OCTOBER 18th THURSDAY MORNING 9:30 o'clock Report of Credential Committee. Mrs. W. J. Keith. Chairman Roll Call General Business Reports of Standing Committees Reciprocity Bureau; Mrs. N B Beitzel, Chairman Reciprocity; Mrs. Ellis Lewis Campbell Juvenile Court, _ - Mrs. Levi Bird Duff, Chairman Address; "The Girl Offender" Miss Margaret Alexander, Girl's Department Pennsylvania Reform School Report of Committee on Revision of By-Laws; Mrs. Rudolf Blankenburg, Chairman THURSDAY AFTERNOON 2:15 o'clock Reports of Standing Committees. Art, Mrs. Irvin C.Elder, Chairman — l Literature, Mrs. W H Warner Chairman Library Extension, Miss Anna B.Day,Chairman Civic Conference Report of Committee on Civics Mrs. William H Alexander, Chairman The Aigrette: Miss Mary Gibson, Wilkinsburg The Smoke Nuisance: Mrs. Rudolph Blankenburg, Philadelphia Miss Clara Reese, Piitsburg Women in the Philadelphia Reform Movement Miss Emma Blakiston, Philadelphia THURSDAY EVENING 8 o'clock Alumnae Club Hour; The making of the Pennsylvania State College Mrs. Margaret B. J. Jackson,'9o Work for Women in State Universities, Miss Elizabeth Breckenridge Meek, 'B9 Present Opportunities for Women at The Pennsyl vania State College, Miss Anna E Redifer, Acting Dean of Women Ways and Means: Hon. James A.Beaver, President Report of Committee on Resolutions; Mrs. Helen H. E. Price. Chairman Concert, under direction of Miss Helen Hoitt Ath erton, State College The Berzelius Society Through the efforts of Dr. Pond, Dr. John Marshall of the Univer versity of Pennsylvania has con sented to talk on Rattlesnake Poison before the Berzelius Chemical So ciety,Friday, October 26 Dr. Mar _shall is one of the foremost toxi cology experts in the country, and at present is engaged as an expert witness in the Brouwer murder trial in Philadelphia. TRE STATE COLLEGIAN COLLEGE NOTES Prof. Van Norman was a judge of cattle at• the recent Burgettstovm Fair. H. K. Kriebel has given up for the present his work with the Fresh man class and is working in the creamery. "Bill" German—" Fellows, we want ten or fifteen men out on the foot ball field during secret practice to do pivot duty. " E. A. Chamberlin, ex-'OB, and F. W. Taylor, ex-'O9, now of Get tysburg College, played in the game last Saturday. F. K. Ross, 'OB, went to his home in Harrisburg last Monday on ac count of illness. J. L. Smith, chairman of the Freshman class, who was threatened with blood poisoning several weeks ago, has returned to college in a greatly improved condition. Bull and Morrison, two U. of P. men, will be the officials at the Yale—State game on Saturday. Football SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20. Yale vs. Penn State, at New Haven. Springfield, T. S., Harvard vs at Cambridge. Princeton vs. Bucknell, at Prince- ton. Pennsylvania vs delphia. Dartmouth vs Springfield. Wesleyan vs. Tufts, at Tufts. Johns Hopkins vs. Stevens, at Baltimore. Indians vs. W.U.P., al. Pittsburg. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 Annapolis vs. Western Maryland, at Annapolis. Gettysburg vs. Lebanon Valley,at Gettysburg. FRESHMEN ! Decorate your room with pennants. For sale at Armory, COTRELL & LEONARD to the American Colleges and Universities. Class Contracts a Specialty. Brown, at Phila- Williams, ALBANY, N. V Makers of CAPS. GOWNS AND HOODS ALL READY To sere you with a Quick Lunch. orders In every style. Soups, Pies. (I:Uses. Raked Beans. Sandwiches and Hot Drinks. Also a choice line of Con rveti,niery constantly on hand. Soda Water and Sundaes in all flavors and to suit all tastes, at the Old Drug Store Stand. Try us and Be Convinced C. F. HARRISON, Prop. Catering a Specialty TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS HARRY W. SAUERS HATTER & FURNISHER STATE COLLEGE, - PENNA College Hardware Co, General Hardware, Tin Ware Spouting and Repairage State College H. GRIMM MERCHANT TAILOR STATE COLLEGE. PA. Thirty years experienve hi Tailoring samples of the finest 'lmported Goods always on hand. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. HOTEL LIVERY FIRST CLASS _ ACCOMODATIONS F. A. ROBISON, PROP. Commercial Telephone.