New. Scrap Rules At the special meeting of the Ath letic Association last week the fol lowing rules regulating the Cider and Flag Scraps were adopted: CIDER SCRAP 1. To be held on the afternoon of the last Saturday of October on the Athletic Field. 2. The Freshmen shall furnish a barrel of cider of not less than 40 gallons. The same shall be chained or fastened securely in a vertical position, (on a platform if necessary) so that the top of the barrel will be not less than 4% feet, and not more than 5 feet above the ground. 3. The scrap shall consist of two halves of 20 minutes each, with an intermission of 10 minutes between halves. Each half shall be started by a given signal from one of the officials. 4. Each class shall, at the start of each half,be arranged about one half of the circum ference of the forty foot (radius) circle of which the barrel is the center. 5. , The halves shall close by a given signal from the judges. All men having hands on top of the barrel shall not move, all others must promptly withdraw. The hands on the barrel shall be counted at the close of each half by the judges. All hands moved after the signal is given shall be ruled out. The class having the highest total number of hands counted shall be declared the winner, to have and to hold the barrel and contents. 6. The three judges shall be the two up per class presidents and a third man chosen by them who shall be a local alumnus or member of the instructing force of the college. The judges shall have power to arrange all details not covered by these rules, and their decision shall be final. 7. All non combatants except the judges shall be kept back a definite distance from the scrap, the distance to be fixed by the judges in accordance with the sizes of the classes. 8. All athletes in training shall be de barred from the scrap. THE FLAG SCRAP 1. The flag scrap shall start at 6 a in of the first Saturday of May, on some part of the Campus to be chosen by the Freshmen. 2. At the beginning of the scrap, the flag shall fly on a pole not more than 25 fcet long. W. T. DUNN THE STATE COLLEGIAN The pole shall be thoroughly seasoned and painted and meet the approval of the judges. 3. The scrap shall continue for one hour and shall close at a given signal from the judges. 4. Before the scrap the Freshmen shall be allowed to place themselves unmolested about the pole; but no Freshmen shall be stationed on the pole. 5. Chains, wire, handcuffs, etc. shall be barred but the use of soft cotton ropes shall be permitted. 6. The use of knives, pliers, cutting in struments of any sort, climbers or any other mechanical devices shall not be permitted. 7. Any artificial means to make the pole difficult to climb shall be debarred. 8. If the flag is on the pole at the end of the scrap the Freshmen shall win, but if the flag is taken from the pole the Sophomores shall win. 9. The three judges shall be the two upper class presidents and a third man chosen by them, who shall be a local alumnus or mem ber of the instructing force of the College. 10. The judges shall have power to ar range all details not covered by these rules and their decision shall be final. 11. All non-combatants except the judges shall be kept back a definite distance from the scrap, the distance to be fixed by the judges in accordance with the size of the classes. 12. All athletes in training shall be de barred from the scrap. CO-OP LAUNDRY Soft Wash 50c per doz. High Class Work Amounts credited on your Co-op ticket. W. B. SNYDER 'O7 H. NI BURNS 'OB Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty All work done promptly . . . and Guaranteed F. P. BLAIR & CO. Jewelers and Opticians BELLEFONTE PA. "MOTHER" DUNN'S GRUB AT McALLISTER HALL . Three Dollars a Week 5. E. KIMPORT Choice Meats of all Kinds Both Phones State College. Furniture and Carpets Picture Frames Made to Order NITTANY LIGHT & POWER CO. STATE COLLEGE. JOSEPH .MARKLE STATE COLLEGE. PA. All Kinds of Choice Meats la TH E MEAT MARKET, Old Postoffice Plus Special Inducements to Clubs. TELEPHONE. Committee THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STATE COLLEGE Accounts Solicited Every Accomodation Extended Your Account Warrants BUSH HOUSE W. L. Daggett, Prop. Opposite Pennsylvania R. R. Station Bellefonte, Pa. C. B. SHEASLY F. B. SCOTT,