State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1904-1911, April 26, 1906, Image 2
THE UNIVERSITY SHAVING PARLOR CRM • -til; 41 Cleanser— Not a Cosmetic Withdraws every particle of dirt, dust, soap, and impurities frum the pores, cleansing them thoroughly. Allows the rich red blood to flow freely to the cheeks. A healthy condition of the skin follows its use. soc and $l.OO per jar Call al our store for sample and I °az on facial masmge GRAHAM, THe Barber Yl i ;~ ~s TRY THE PITTSBURG SUNDAY PRESS A live up-to-date paper and always contains a column of State College Athletic News. TIE CE THE COUNTY BANK Orders taken for all kinds of ENGRAVING AND Special Die Work AT The "TIMES" Office i C. E. SHUEY Jeweler and Optician Repairing a Specialty All Work Guaranteed. OUR NEW SPRING CLOTHING Hats and Men's Furnishing Goods ARE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION AND SALE We never have gone into these articles so extensively and so carefully. Be assured of our earnest efforts to please all of our friends and customers in quality, style, fit and price. FULL LINE OF PENNANTS, PILLOW TOPS, ETC We Have Larger lines of Sporting Goods than any MERCHANT TAILORING in all its branches. Fully equipped. Suits Made and Trimmed, $lO and $l5 Manhattan Shirts, Guyer Hats. MONTGOMERY & CO • 9 ‘11.484 5.... COLLEGE GOODS Cap__and Gowns Made to OrdeArc4ittyetiltpol4 PENNANTS FOR ALL COLLEGES CARRIED IN STOCK SENIORS going Into BUSINESS or TECHNICAL WORK should write us to-day for full information con cerning desirable positions in all parts of the coun try. We already have 1,231 definite places for Col lege, University and Technical School graduatse to begin work in July or September and the list is growing daily. A CHOICE OF THE BEST OPPORTUNITIES is yours if you write us AT ONCE. stating age, oourse taken, practical experience if any and line of work preferred. HAPGOODS, The National Organization of Brain Brokers, Pennsylvania Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Offices in other cities. „---,.- College Caps, Gowns, R • The Best Workmanship at Lowest Prices. , ti.K''Or'', Silk Faculty Gowns and Hoods 41 Cox Sons & Vining ~/ „ 4. , , / i 262 Fourth Ave., New York. Season Former CLASS TRACK AND TEAM CAPS, PINS, MEDALS, FOBS PP I/1 1 111.7 Let us help you. I -T i i i,l\ Smart Styles I J ;ij ci yit'., Coed Workman ' 24:j ship Low Prices. ` . /..i A rare combina ,. ~ tin. For samples see Ijl - 71 " - 1 i'; S K. VA RN ES ~ A . :, . 33 Annex No. 2 l'' t 11 I , Fred Kauai - bit:in.'s 0 4 1 !! 1 3 Localßoresentative ~, l ' :' 1,1 ; t . i 1 FRED , ;',i l!' , ,ii, ~,, •i 11'1 ': I PLA.TIFFIJAPII\T o'h;. , 1!..,:,-1 i. , 1, , ,,,;- , '" Tile Amcr;cari Tailor 'i i I:. A taj Chicago, U.S.A. ti.,:,.7. HARDWARE Good Goods - Lowest Prices Honest Inspection and Fair Judgment is all I ask. .. . . JOHN I. OLEWINE BELLEFONTE, PA. FIOURINGONA NEVI/ SUIT?