ALUMNI The resignation of William L. Affelder, '99, from the position of superintendent of the Mosgrove Coal Works at Mosgrove, Pa., has caused interesting changes in the Mining department of the Pittsburg Plat: Glass Co., whose mites are known. as the Mosgrove Coal Works, Creighton Coal Works, Charleroi Coal Works, and Pitcairn Coal Co. Aff elder will be succeeded by George H. Deike, 'O3, who has been engineer for the Creighton and Charleroi mines with head quarters at Creighton, Pa. P. G. Elder, 'O4, has resigned his position as engineer for the Vinton Colliery Co. of Clintondale, Pa., to succeed Deike; and E. N. Zern, 'O3, has resigned his position as engineer for the West Kentucky Coal Co. of Wheatcroft, Ky., to accept a similar position with Pitcairn Coal Co. at Clarksburg, W. Va. Affelder's resignation is due to the acceptance of the position of. General manager of the Mine La Motte Lead & Smelting Co's extensive plant at Mine La Motte, Madison County, Missouri, where he will be located after April 10th. Li. I)• Meek Souvenir Spoons, Lockets, Watch Fobs, Chains, Clasp and Stick Pins, Stationery The Drug Store JOHN I. ROBISON Agents for Spaldings Sporting GOO4:S Waik-Over Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen:, Fine Line of Gents Furnishings—Neglige and - Dress Shirts' , !pi Fancy Groceries Just received, a new line of Walk-Over Shoes and Corlis-Coon • . WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Souvenir and Comic Postal Cards and Drawing Material IHE STATE COLLEGIAN State College Supply Co._ Dealers General Vlerchandise, COLLEGE PENNANTS HAT BANDS, ETC. .„, & SHOES THAT ARE RIGHT - - Pre M. S. McDOWELL Successors to W. L. Foster PILLOWS at Wholesale and Retail The Drug Store B M• FOSTER H. D: Meeelc: t.L.2. 'ekt . 1 ,e 1