E. E. Feed At McAllister Hall last Saturday evening the members of the Elec trical Engineering Society enjoyed their fourth “feed” of the year. Fifty-nine out of the seventy-five members were present and did justice to the chicken and waffles which con stituted the main dish. After the board was cleared, toast master Kamerer called on about a dozen of the seniors to relate their experiences while on the electrical inspection trip two weeks ago. A feature of the evening was the reading of a number of letters from several of the electrical graduates. An orchestra composed of members furnished several selections. Be fore the .society dispersed a flash light photograph was taken. Debating Trials, Trials will be held on March 2nd for the purpose of filling the va cancy in the debating club left by resignation of C. R. Stahl, ’O7. The question for discussion is as follows: “Resolved, That American municipalities should own and con contiol plants for the production of heat, light, power and water. H. D. fleek Souvenir Spoons, Lockets, Watch Fobs, Chains, Glasp and Stick Pins, Stationery The Drug Store JOHN I. ROBISON Agents for Spaldings Sporting Goods Walk-Over Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen Fine Line of Gents Furnishings—Neglige and Dress Shirts Just received, a new line of Walk-Over Shoes and Corlis-Coon Collars Souvenir and Comic Postal Cards and Drawing Material 'IHE STATE COLLEGIAN State College Supply Co. S” 1 '” General Merchandise COLLEGE PENNANTS PILLOWS HAT BANDS, ETC. Fancy Groceries WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE, YEAGER 8c DAVIS SHOES THAT ARE RIGHT Belleforrte - - - m. s. McDowell r m- foster Successors to W. L. Foster . at Wholesale and Retail The Drug Store H. D. Meek