Proposed Amendents to con- stitution. ARTICLE 111 Section 1. (New Reading.) The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Director of Athletics, and an Advisory Com mittee on Coaches for each Depart ment. Section 3. (New Reading.) The election of these officers, excepting the Director of Athletics, the Ad visory Committee, and the Commit tees on Coaches, shall be held on the second Monday in May. Section 4. (New.) The Physi cal Director of the College shall bear the official title of Director of Athletics at The Pennsylvania State College. ARTICLE IV, Section 5. (New.) It shall be the duty of the Director of Athletics to approve all schedules, to co-op perate with the various captains and managers in the business pertinent to the advancement of athletics, to look after the physical welfare of all members of College athletic teams; to accompany and have general charge over ’Varsity teams on all trips. The Director of Athletics shall be consulted on all matters af fecting the athletic policy of the College, which are not otherwise provided for. Section 7. (New.) The Com mittee on Coaches, from each De partment, shall consist of the Cap tain, the Captain-elect, the Manager, and Assistant Manager of each team, with the Director of Athletics. It shall be the duty of this Com mittee by and with the advice and consent of the Director of Athletics, to select coaches for the ’Varsity teams. Section 8. (New.) Duties of the Captain. The Captain shall have the absolute direction of his team on the field during a game, shall have the decisive vote in the THE STATE COLLEGIAN selection of his team, and shall act in conjunction with the Director of Athletics, and the Coach, in all matters pertaining to the welfare of his team. Section 9. (New.) Duties of the Coach. The Coach shall have the absolute direction of all matters pertaining to the coaching of the team, except as otherwise specified; shall accompany the team on all trips, and shall act in conjunction with the Captain, and the Director of Athletics in the selection of the team, and in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the team. (Signed) J. H. Leete, B B. Stamm, E. G. Yeckley, W. Y. Heaton, J. C. Gotwals, B. W. Kline, W. T. Dunn, H. D. Mason, Chairman, House Party. The members of the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity enteitained a num ber of their lady friends at a house party from Saturday until Tuesday morning. Progressive euchre was the form of the entertainment Sat urday evening. On Sunday Penn’s Cave was visited and the trip was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The participants enjoyed a dance at the fraternity house after ihe basketball game on Monday evening. About two hundred fellows at tended a “stag” dance given by the College Orchestra in McAllister Hall last Saturday evening. Exams were over, the fellows were happy, and the floor was in the “pink” of con dition for dancing. Several new selections were tried and appreciated. Housel furnished refreshments dur ing the intermission. For Sale. —One subscription to Hapgood’s Industrial Agency. See Manager of the paper. GO TO GEO. B. JACKSON l*o Ii CIGARS, TOBACCO AND FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A Full Line of Smokers’ Fancy Articles. ALLEN ST., STATE COLLEGE, PA A.F.MAEKLE deai.ek in MILK AND ICE STATE COr.r.EG FI W.L. FOSTER FIRST CLASS LIVERY ..State College.. College Hardware Go. General Hardware, Tin Ware Spouting and Repairage State College THE M c ADDISTISR DIN IN a II A L L R A TE S 21 co n secntivo meals, ?2.75. by ticket, esisli Iti advance. Single meal ticket, cent**. Your Patronage W. 11. UOIJSEIj Respectfully Solicited caterer FLASHLIGHTS, VIEWS, GROUPS i\ll Kinds ol' STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHY D. A. BARRETT Room 377 Main Successor to J. J. Morgan. Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty All work done promptly . . and Guaranteed F. P. bIIaIr & CO.' Jewelers and Opticians BELLEFONTE - - PA.