ALUMNI. E. P. Liligren, 'O4, of Glen Flora Texas, was a recent visitor at the College. J. E. Eisenberg, ’O2, has recently accepted a position with the Arm strong Cork Co. at Pittsburg. John Foster, ’93, has resumed his old position with the Sloss Shef field Steel and Iron Co. at Sheffield, Ala-. - “Varsity” Lee, ex-'OS, who holds a State position at Harrisburg in the Zoological Department, was recently married, Dr. W. H. Walker, ’9o,Professor of • Industrial Chemistry at the .Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology is giving a course of lectures in Industrial Chemistry at Harvard University. H. J. Royle,’o3, has left Belle fonte and gone with the American Tin Plate and Sheet Co. at Vauder grift, Pa. His old position at the Bellefonte Furnace Co. has been taken by G. 0. Gray, ’O3, J. F. Johnson, ’05 t , of the West inghouse Machine Company arrived at the college last Monday to spend a few days. On Tuesday morning he received a message of the death of - his mother at her home in Bloomsjpurg. He immediately left for home. Cards are out announcing the marriage on January 10, of Mr. Paulding Foote Sellers, 97, to Miss Helen Christy Clubb, of Saint Louis, Missouri. Mr. " and Mrs. Sellers will reside in Buffalo N. Y., where he holds the position of Chief Electrical Engineer with the Buffalo General Electric Co. LOCAL. Berney, Fox, Barkley, Gamble, Baur, King and Garret, all ’O9 men, have left college. Prof. Reber entertained the Senior and Junior Mechanical Engineers at his residence last Thursday evening. THE STATE COLLEGIAN JS/L. Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines and Musical Instruments Bellefonte, Pa. YEAGER 8c DAVIS SHOES THAT ARE RIGHT Bellefonte S. E.KIMPORT Dealer in Choice Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb and Poultry in Season. State College. H. GRIMM MERCHANT TAILOR STATE COLLEGE. PA. Thirty years,’ experience In Tailoring. Samples of the finest Imported floods always on hand. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY PALACE RESTAURANT Go there for a lull line of Sand wiches and Quick punch We use our own home-boiled [Tam in Sandwiches. Oysters served in all styles Boarding by the week, day or meal. W. G. CALDWELL, Prop. GEPHART Dealer in all Standard Makes of NITTANY LIGHT & POWER GO. STATE COLLEGE. JOSEPH MARKLE STATE COLLEGE, PA. All Kinds of Choice Meats y\T THE MEAT MARKET on PUGH ST. Special Inducements to Clubs. TELEPHONE. Pei. WILLIAMS & ROAN Furniture Dealers FOLDING BOOK CASES CHEFFONIERS ' STUDY TABLES SPECIAL FOR STUDENTS LEMONT, PENN.