Athletics. Continued from page i The announcement of the baseball date signifying the renewal of ath letic relations between- the "Gold and Blue” and the “White and Blue’ ’ is now being eagerly looked forward to, and Manager Himes states .that negotiations are now on for Bucknell to appear here on Beaver Field April 14th. If this contest materializes it will prove the first meeting for six years between State and Bucknell. The students’ athletic association at Bucknell made the initial move towards this recon ciliation and then their Baseball Manager opened up a correspon dence with Baseball Manager Himes relative to the arranging of a base ball date. Manager Himes imme diately laid the matter before the Faculty Committee on Athletics, who have not as yet rendered a definite decision, although rumor has if that their report will prove a favorable one. On a par with this splendid series of triumphs over Bucknell has been State’s record on gridriron and dia mond against her other rivals—Dick inson, W. & J., and W. U. P. With Dickinson out of a grand total of 33 battles on gridiron and diamond during the past fifteen years, State has been triumphant no less than 22 times, eight in football and fourteen in baseball. As for W. & J. her banners of “Red and Black” have always gone down to defeat before the “White and Blue’ ’ with the only exceptions of two tie football struggles. Here is the complete gridiron record : YEAR SCORE PLACE State 6, W. & J. 0, Washington Total games played,—6. Games won by State, A, Tie games, 2. In baseball only two contests have taken place, both decisive victories for State. In 1899 on Beaver Field Captain Walker’s nine trimmed the Washington Collegians 11 to 6, then in 1904 Captain Elder’s men invaded Little Washington and with “Lefty” Mcllveen pitching won a great 10 to 0 game. W. & J’s. batters got. but one hit. As for W. U. P. her record against State in baseball stands one victory against eight defeats. In baseball the only game on record was played on Beaver Field in 1897, State winning 11 to 6. In football in a total of eight games the Pitts burgers have managed to carry off one scalp, that in 1904. The Wyoming Seminary basket ball five was defeated here in the Armory last Friday evening by a score of 53 to 15. The game was well played throughout and State’s men were compelled to work hard for all their points, as the Wyoming five played an exceptionally strong floor game, and also dribbled well. Kilmer’s fine work was the feature of the evening. The team-work of Captain Heaton’s five showed marked improvement, and the article of basket-ball displayed in the first half has seldom been ex celled here. Score for the first period ending 38 to 2. STATE 53 Moorhead, Ross Foltz Yeckley, Waha.. Kilmer, Caswell Heaton (Capt).. . guard Carpenter Goals from field - Heaton 5. Yeckley 6, Kilmer 6, Foltz 5, Moorhead 1, Ross 1, Waha 2. Goals from foul - Yeckley, Herman 2. Time of halves —2O minutes. Referee - Mr. Wilber of Rutgers. In keeping with the growing con dition of the college, the govern ment has just made vast improve ments in the local post office The site has been changed to the new hotel building. The room is hand somely finished in quartered oak and polished copper. There is a large number of combination and call boxes so that each student will be enabled to have one. The equip ment is said to be as fine as any to be found in Centre county. ' 6, Pittsburg 0, State College 0, Pittsburg “ 6, Pittsburg THE STATE COLLEGIAN Wyoming 15 —State 53, forward forward The New Post Office. GO TO GEO. B. JACKSON FOR CIGARS, TOBACCO AND FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A Full Line of Smokers' Fancy Articles. ALLEN ST., STATE COLLEGE, PA. A.F.MARKLE MILK and ICE \A/.L. FOSTER ..States College.. College Hardware Go. General Hardware, Tin Ware Spouting and Repairage State College THE MCALLISTER DIN TNG IT L E RAT K S 21 consecutive meals, §2.75. by tickets rush in advance. Single meal ticket, 2o cents. Your Patronage ' W. H. lIOTJSEIj Jtespectt'ully Solicited Caterer WYOMING 15 Frantz Herman .Filmore Cross FLASHLIGHTS, VIEWS, GROUPS All Kinds of STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHY D- A. BARNETT Room 377 Main ’ Successor to .I. ,). Morgan. Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty All work done ’promptly . . . and Guaranteed F. P. BLAIR & CO. Jewelers and Opticians BELLEFONTE - - PA. DEAI.EK IN' STATE COr.I.EGE FIRST CLASS LIVERY