The Making of State College, Continued page /. ors Osmond, Bell, Jordan, Barnard and Mr. Patterson were developing the work in physics, chemistry, agriculture, etc., while Professor Buckhout was doing, as he has done since, unusually praiseworthy work in botany. President Atherton arrived in the fall of 1882, grasped the situation at a glance, and began with unremitting energy and force to develop the In stitution along the lines called for by Congress. In a few years he had overcome the prejudice of the people of the State toward the College suffi ciently to enable him to convince the Legislature of Pennsylvania of the responsibility of the State for the development of the Colllege, and to persuade it to make -more or less suitable appropriations with scarcely a break up to the present time. From that time unti' this, new buildings have been springing up all over the campus. At a slightly later date the President did much toward persuad ing Congress to pass the laws in augurating the experiment stations and supplying the grant colleges sub stantial annual appropriations from the United States Treasury. During the material growth, the work of the College enlarged in every direction, the faculty increased from eight or ten to sixty-six; the student enrollment increased in num bers in the college classes from less than fifty to more than six hundred; and the facilities for instruction be came incomparably better. The number of courses leading to a de gree has increased from four to fif teen with many electives. The enmity to the College has been gradually reversed so that, though now and always there will be knowing persons who would gladly tear down that which has, been so • laboriously built up, as a whole the people of this state are proud of their State "College and believe in the work THE STATE COLLEGIAN it is doing, Let us seek for the wand which has had the magic to transform in a couple of decades a little school, commonly thought to be a kind of reform school —situated away in the wilderness, twelve mileS from the nearest railroad, with pitifully poor facilities, a diminutive though de voted band of teachers, a handfull of boys from the vicinity as students — into a magnificient institution of learn ing'with a great plant worth millions of dollars, a large faculty, student numbers rapidly nearing a thousand, with the good will of the people of the commonwealth, and doing a class of work which is recognized as of sterling quality by educators, industrial managers, and thinking men the country over. My own belief is that the secret is largely Dr. Atherton’s strongper sonality and his steadfast purpose to make the education at this Institu tion such that the men going forth from her doors should be prepared to deal successfully with the practical affairs of life, to make them honest and "upright, and to teach them to be good and loval citizens. The alumni of the College have justified the aim expressed above by their records which have done much to reflect credit upon their Alma Mater. You may well imagine that during this great development of the last twenty-five years the upward course has been beset by well nigh impas sable “sloughs of despond” and “hills of difficulty.” During such times the President and Faculty have been much strengthened and en couraged by the firm faith of the Trustees and general officers of the College. The new gymnasium at Ohio Wes leyan will be dedicated on February 22. A Washington’s Birthday ban quet will be given at that time. COTrtELL & LEONARD ALBRNY, N. Y. CAPS, GOWNS AND HOODS to the American Colleges and Universities. Class Contracts a Specially. S. W. KALIN Hatter and Men’s Furnisher Students’ Headquarters for Hats, Neckwear, Fancy Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves and Sweaters STATE COLLEGE - PA. LEARN 'I 1-: LEG U A PHY and R. R < ACCOUNTING. S6O to SiOOsaiary assured ) our graduate's under bond. You don’t pay ) us until you have a position. Laigcst ( system of telegraph schools in America. ? indorsed by till railrord officials. Opera- ( tors always pi demand. Ludiesalsoadmttted c Write for catalogue. MORSE SCHOOL c OF.TELEUK \ PHY, Cincinnati, 0.. Buffu- ? 10. N. Y„ Atlanta. Ga„ Lacrosse, Wis., ( Texarkana, Tex., San Francisce, Cal. THE CENTRE 1= ==COUNTY BANK BELL EFONTE REMEMBER The International Tailoring Go. is reperesented at State by RAINEY & MATTER Samples always open for inspection. Measure ments taken at customers’ convenience. ROOM 591 MAIN. HARDWARE Good Goods - Lowest Prices Honest Inspection and Fair Judgment Is all I ask JOHN 1. OLEWINE BELLEFONTE, PA. C. B. SHEASLY Furniture and Carpets Picture Frames Made to Order Milkers of