defeated. To ilustrate State’s superiority over her opponents in ail around athletics for the past year it may be noted that in these 44 athletic con tests for 1905, State has totaled 863 1 2 points to 375 1-2 for her op ponents. And a big share of credit for all this glorious work goes to State's coaches; “Pop” Golden, “Tom" Fennell, “Henny” Scholl„ “Andy” Moscrip, “Jimmy” Sebring, “Eddie” Whitworth and the loyal student body which has encouraged all the Varsity teams at every turn. It will, indeed, be wonderful if the coming year, 1906, proves as uni formly prosperous from an athletic view point. For next June the en tire basketball five will graduate, Heaton, Kilmer, Yeckley, Foltz. Caswell and ' Quigley, Moorhead alone remaining; while this season’s five is without the services of such a star as Captain Dunn. In baseball the Varsity nine this spring must fill the places of a trio of splendid players; ex-Captain Ray, second base man Forkum, and out fielder Yoder. The track team has lost such stars, as ex-Captain Horn baker, Saundeas, W. Kaiser, Barr clay and Forkum; while next fall’s Varsity eleven will greatly miss such a quartet as Yeckley, McGee, Barr, and Gotwals However, it is the “State” spirit which makes her teams victorious, hence the coming ■year is looked forward to as another gloricus chapter in Old State’s ath letic h story. H. Do /leek Souvenir Spoons, Lockets, Watch Fobs, Chains, Clasp and Stick Pins, Stationery The Drug Store THE STATE COLLEGIAN JOHN I. ROBISON Agents for Spaldings Sporting Goods Walk-Over Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen Souvenir and Comic Postal Cards and Drawing Material Caps and Gowns Made to Order and Rented pennants for all colleges carried in stock State College Supply Co. General Merchandise COLLEGE JPENNANTS HAT BANDS, ETC. Fine Line of Gents Furnishings==Neglige and Dress Shirts Fancy WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE COLLEGE GOODS CLASS TRACK AND TEAM CAPS, PINS, MEDALS, FOBS m. s. mclowell Successors, to W. L. Foster BILLOWS Groceries at Wholesale'and Retail The Drug Store A. C. HARPER, Agent, ARMORY R M FOSTER H. D. Meek