Good Work. By dint of much planning and la bor on the part of a few interested "State” Song Book is ones, a about to be published, and is ex pected to be put on sale before Christmas. This book is designed to meet the wishes cf every State man, and con tains all the songs written for the College on different occasions, be sides the words to all the best foot ball songs that have been written by students, and several new adapta tions and arrangements of old songs. In addition, a careful compilation has been made from other college song books, making in all about one hundred songs that should appeal to every man. This book is a thing that has been needed for a long time, and now that it is a reality, it should stir the loyalty and devotion of every one connected with old “ State.” Let every one support this move ment by buying one or more of these books as soon as they are on sale. They will maxe excellent Christmas gifts for friends. —You - can get them. Rubber stamps from the Bellefonte Stamp Works. H. D. fleek Souvenir Spoons, Lockets, Watch Fobs, Chains, Clasp and Stick Pins, Stationery The Drug Store —TRY THE PITTSBURG SUNDAY PRESS A live up-to-date paper and always contains a column o£ State College Athletic News. Souvenir and Comic Postal Cards and Drawing Material THE STATE COLLEGIAN JOHN I. ROBISON State College Supply Co. General Merchandise Dealers in.... COLLEGE PENNANTS HAT BANDS, ETC. Agents for Spaldings Sporting Goods Walk-Over Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen Fine Line of Gents Furnishings-=Neglige and Dress Shirts Fancy Groceries WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE m. s. McDowell r m. foster Successors to W. L. Foster PILLOWS at Wholesale and Retail BOOK OF VIEWS Ot the College Ihiildings Shops and Lmhm.atorles. GROUPS AND FLASHLIGHTS G. B. BARBEY Successor io Kelchem 'O4. and Arnold ’O5 ROOM 370 MAIN The Drug Store H. D. Meek