1906 La Vie F^oi~ ext McAllister Hall Price $1.50. Express prepaid $1.75. C.omxxve.Tveama’tOt "Programs a\. 2A2. Tnctt 2>b cctAs When you want GOOD WORK GO TO GRAHAM’S We employ journeymen, not apprentices. Two chairs, but we run them NO BLUFFS Good workmanship in a Busi- ness like way, That's Us. GRAHAM the BARBER The Booth The Drug Store the McAllister DINING HALL Accomodations for 1000 Persons 7:00 TO 9:00 12:00 TO 2:00 5:00 TO 6:30 RATES 21 consecutive meals, $3.25, by ticket, cash in advance 21 meals, good until used, $6.50, cash in advance Single meal ticket, 5o cents. Your Patronage W. H. HOUSEL Respectfully Solicited Caterer Palace Restaurant Go there for a lull line of Sand wiches and Quick Lunch We use our mvi. home-boiled ham in sandwiches. Oysters served in all styles Boarding by the week, day or meal W- G. Caldwell, Proprietor Caps and Gowns Made to Order and Rented PENNANTS FOR ALL COLLEGES CARRIED IN STOCK S. E. KIMPORT BUTCHER Dealer In Choice Beef, Lamb, Pork, Vaal, Salt Meats and Poultry. Special attention given to Caterers. Call and so* us on Allen Street, State College. HARVEY’S BAKERY FOR FINE CONFECTIONERY Gandies always fresh because we buy DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT QUICK LUNCHES A SPECIALTY Oysters Ice Cream Soda Water WE ALWAYS TRY TO PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS HARVEY BROS. Prop’s. H GRIMM MERCHANT TAILOR STATE COLLEGE, PA, Thirty years’ experience In Tailoring. Sampleso! the finest imported Goods always on hand. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. Has always been, and con tinues to be, HEADQUARTERS FOR ANYTHING you may want in the HARDWARE line, We solicit your patronage. The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. BELLEFONTE, PA. CQLLECE GOODS CLASS, TRACK AND TEAM CAPS, PINS, MEDALS, FOBS WM. R. DUNN, Agent, ARMORY