A. G. Spalding & Bros. Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF and GYMNASIUM GOODS A. G. Spalding & Bros. NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO GtIOUPS BOOK OP FLASHLIGHTS COLLEGE VIEWS *5. 'SVvw.oVd Succes c 'r to W. E. Ketcham ROOM 312, MAIN 3U\-K.uiAs Amateur Y~&\>Vy& When you want GOOD WORK GO TO GRAHAM’S We employ journeymen, not apprentices. Two chairs, but we run them, NO BLUFFS Good workmanship in a Busi- ness like way. That’s lls. GRAHAM the BARBER THE STATE COLLEGIAN BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS DENVER CHICAGO THE M C ALLISTEH DINING HALL Will be open to serve meals on and after Wednesday, April 5,1905, 12:00 noon. MEAL HOURS 7:00 TO 8:00 12:00 TO 1:00 5:30 TO 6:30 RATES 21 consecutive 53.25, by ticket, cash in advance. 21 meals, good until used, $6.50, cash in advance Single meal ticket, 5o cents. Your Patronage W. H. HOUSEL Respectfully Solicited Caterer 1 S. W. KALIN HATTER AND MEN’S FURNISHER Students’ headquarters for Hats, Neckwear, Fancy Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, uloves, and Sweaters STATE COLLEGE Joseph Markle STATE COLLEGE, PA. all kinds Choice Meats AT THE MEAT MARKET ON PUGH STREET Special Inducements to Clubs telephone State College Hotel J. B. Shuman, Proprietor CENTRALLY LOCATED SPECIAL RATES l’O STUDENTS EXCELLENT ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRANSIENT TRADE LIVERY IN CONNECTION STEAM HEAT GOOD CUISINE A PINE LINE OF CIGARS ALWAYS ON HAND “KNACK” or “KNOW-HOW” in Clothes Making, call it what you will, “SIM” models embody it. They press their claim upon your attention by the distinctiveness of the patterns, the ex cellency of the workmanship and '.their conformity to the latest whisper of the mode. Prices are their winning fea tures, because they're just moderate enough. Flash Lights ! Who takes them ? J. J. MORGAN. ROOM 564.“MA1N BLD’G.